[Abstract]:The uneven development of science and technology gives birth to the extreme performance of the world economy. On the one hand, with the rapid progress of information technology, the world began to flatten and gradually evolved into a global village, in which any one of the subjects became increasingly close. From the angle of economics, it is inevitable to take the initiative and integrate into the world economy. In the future, it is the inevitable path choice to strengthen the cooperation between regions. On the other hand, in the highly developed modern social system of information technology, contrary to the traditional natural resources, factor resources, human resources, information, time, opportunities, cooperation and so on, they will become a new type of resources for future economic development. Its importance is becoming more and more prominent, the result is remarkable. The regional advantage is obvious, the area with good basic development can seize the market high ground quickly because of mastering the information of the first opportunity, judging the market trend and taking the initiative in time. This led to the emergence of the Matthew effect, the growing imbalance of development between regions, the gap continues to expand. However, in the tide of undertaking industrial transfer, researchers tend to see the opportunity of undertaking industry, but ignore the risk of undertaking industrial transfer, and practitioners tend to blindly copy the experience of other regions. Little attention is paid to the localization of industrial transfer. Everything has two sides. From the perspective of dialectics, southern Hunan faces both opportunities and major challenges in the process of undertaking industries. If we do not discriminate, choose and choose, we will repeat environmental pollution and waste resources. Repeated construction and a series of follow-up problems are easy to fall into the strange circle of industrial structure adjustment imbalance. Therefore, under the current situation, based on the analysis of the gradient differences between southern Hunan and the Pearl River Delta by comparing economic indicators, this paper objectively analyzes the comparative advantages and development status of southern Hunan. Rational consideration is given to the advantages and disadvantages of undertaking industrial transfer, and the conclusion is drawn that the interior of "Great Xiangnan" region should consider the present situation of its own economic development, weigh the advantages and disadvantages, and make industry choices differently, and put forward some countermeasures and suggestions in order to avoid the expected risks. The benign development of industrial structure upgrading is completed in the east wind of undertaking industrial transfer in southern Hunan, and the grand goal of overtaking development in "Great Xiangnan" area is realized.
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