[Abstract]:With the development of economic globalization and regional economic integration, the allocation of economic resources is constantly breaking through the national boundaries and seeking the best allocation mode and allocation efficiency in the global scope. The economic and social development of all countries and regions in the world depends on each other, melts, influences and restricts each other to a higher level, and opening to the outside world becomes the inevitable choice for the economic and social development of all countries and regions. Opening to the outside world needs the support of industries, and leading industries can lead and lead other industries, thus driving economic growth as a whole, which is the main embodiment of the regional characteristic economy. How to carry out international industrial exchange and cooperation under the background of the great development of the western region in Gansu Province and truly turn the advantage of resources into economic advantage is of great importance to the correct selection and cultivation of leading industries in the course of opening up to the outside world. The links between Gansu and Central Asia go back to ancient times, and the ancient Silk Road closely linked the two regions. Therefore, Gansu has the geographical advantage of opening up to the Central Asian countries, and in the process of opening up to the west, Relying on the ancient Silk Road and the New Eurasian Continental Bridge to build the Gansu New Silk Road Economic Belt, and through the theoretical and empirical analysis of the choice of leading industries of Gansu New Silk Road Economic Belt open to the Central Asian countries, To find out which leading industries are suitable for opening to Central Asian countries and how to develop these leading industries have become the focus of this paper. According to the industrial structure characteristics of Gansu New Silk Road Economic Belt and Central Asian countries, using factor analysis combined with qualitative analysis, it is concluded that 9 leading industries are suitable for opening to Central Asian countries, and this result is in line with the actual situation of Gansu New Silk Road Economic Belt industry development. It has higher reality and objectivity. Finally, according to the current situation of Gansu's industrial development and the government documents such as the 12th Five-Year Plan, this paper will put forward some countermeasures and suggestions, hoping to provide some references for the adjustment of industrial structure and the cultivation of leading industries.
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