[Abstract]:Since China's entry into WTO in 2001, the domestic economy has made leaps and bounds, and the three Northeast provinces have also kept pace with the development of the times and made remarkable achievements. With the rapid development of economy, people begin to pay more and more attention to the environmental problems. How to improve the quality of environment and realize the sustainable development of economy and environment has become a hot issue that scholars pay more attention to. As an old industrial base in the north, the three northeastern provinces are inevitably facing the reality of environmental pollution while the economy is developing at a high speed. Therefore, it is of great significance and urgency to study the relationship between economy and trade. Especially under the condition of opening up, the import and export trade and international direct investment of the three northeast provinces are increasing day by day, which brings more pressure to the environment. The environmental Kuznets curve (EKC),) is usually used in the study of the relationship between economy and environment. The study of environmental Kuznets curve in China is later than that in the developed countries, and it did not begin until the end of the 20th century. Moreover, the EKC curves obtained by domestic scholars are not the same. For the important industrialized regions of our country, there are few articles and data about the environmental EKC curves of the three northeastern provinces at present. Therefore, it is of theoretical and practical significance to study the economic growth and environmental change of the three northeastern provinces by using the theory of EKC curve. In this paper, the panel data of three cities in Northeast China from 2001 to 2010 are selected to establish the environmental Kuznets curve model through the discharge of industrial wastewater, industrial waste gas, industrial waste production and so _ 2 emissions, as well as various economic indicators. From the angle of qualitative and quantitative description, this paper discusses whether there are inverted U-shaped EKC curves in the three provinces of Northeast China under open economy. This paper first introduces the research background and significance, as well as the research methods and contents; secondly, analyzes the theoretical basis of the environmental Kuznets curve and the economic and environmental status of the three northeastern provinces; then carries out relevant empirical research, the results show that, There is no inverted U-shaped EKC curve in the three provinces of Northeast China, and trade has a certain effect on environmental deterioration, while there is a significant negative correlation between FDI and pollutant emission. The regression results do not support the pollution Paradise hypothesis. Finally, through the results and the actual situation of the three northeastern provinces, the corresponding countermeasures and suggestions are put forward.
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