[Abstract]:Peace, cooperation and development are the trend of development in the world today. Economic globalization, regionalization and diversification have brought many favorable conditions and difficulties and challenges to the economic cooperation and technical cooperation among all countries. In order to survive and develop, each country must gradually adapt its own economy to the global trend of development, in which the development of the Border Economic Cooperation Zone is a very important method. The integration policy of "diversification and multi-method" has been demonstrated by the Vietnamese Party and government in various economic exchanges as an important condition for vigorously promoting national economic development in the future. Under the special conditions of Vietnam, the extensible border line includes many trade ports with neighboring countries. In order to promote economic development and open up multi-directional and multi-level economies, it is a very important task to formulate reasonable mechanisms. However, in recent years, there are still many problems in the development of economic cooperation zone in border areas, especially at the present stage of Vietnam's entry into WTO. In order to meet the requirements of the new situation, fully exploit the potential and advantages of each border economic cooperation zone. I choose the research on the development of the Frontier Economic Cooperation Zone between Vietnam and China as my graduation thesis, and believe that it is a very correct choice and is necessary to the present economic situation. In this paper, three economic cooperation zones along the border between Vietnam and China are selected to study, namely: Mang Street-Dongxing Economic Cooperation Zone, Tongdeng-Pingxiang Economic Cooperation Zone and Laojie-Estuary Economic Cooperation Zone, among which, Based on the main data from 2006 to 2011, this paper focuses on the social economy and development of the three frontier economic cooperation zones, and analyzes the mechanism and policy system, macro-management organizations, The influence of the local government on the economic and trade activities in these areas, and the direction and viewpoint of the development of these areas up to 2020.
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