[Abstract]:The economic transformation of resource-exhausted cities is one of the outstanding problems in the economic development of our country. Resource-based cities have made great contributions to China's reform and opening up for more than 30 years, and will continue to play an important role in the future development. However, due to unreasonable use, the phenomenon of random exploitation is serious, the natural resources are decreasing, some even will be exhausted, the development of resource-based cities is facing a serious threat. The investigation indicates that there are more than 8000 state-owned mines in our country, more than half of which are difficult to operate, and the follow-up development is difficult, especially for solid minerals. A large number of mines were developed in the 1950s, and now two thirds of these mines are in the middle and late stages, and nearly 500 mines are facing closure. The development of resource-based cities is very difficult, and some cities' economic development is even retrogressive, which leads to various social contradictions. The living conditions of the people in these cities are poor and can not reach the most basic living conditions. Therefore, from the 1980s, in order to realize the sustainable development of the city, more and more resource-based cities join in the difficult economic transformation and urban transformation after the resource depletion, how to transform the resource-exhausted cities. How to realize green transformation has become a hot issue concerned by all walks of life. Based on the experience of many foreign countries, this paper analyzes the environmental pressure of Taiyuan City from 2001 to 2010 by using ecological footprint tools, and obtains the characteristics of environmental pressure in Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province, from 2001 to 2010. The reasons are analyzed. In addition, this paper analyzes the present situation of green transformation in Taiyuan, and analyzes the factor endowment of green transformation in Taiyuan with SWOT model. Finally, according to the current environmental pressure and development situation of Taiyuan City, the paper puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions for the green transformation of Taiyuan City, and puts forward some suggestions to promote the transformation of coal industry, vigorously develop cultural industry, tourism industry, and encourage innovation. In order to help other resource-exhausted cities to carry out green transformation, this paper makes a preliminary exploration on the important subject of resource-based economic transformation in Shanxi Province.
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