[Abstract]:Since the reform and development, various localities have set up investment promotion departments. As one of the most effective and quickest modes for local governments to develop the economy, they have been widely used, and have made great contributions to the completion of local economic indicators. And formed a certain investment workflow and project management model. With the development and change of internal and external environment and the emergence of new situations and problems, local governments can meet the opportunities at the same time. NN Economic and technological Development Zone is located in the south of Nanning City and has been approved by the State Council as the National Economic and technological Development Zone in May 2001. After 20 years of development, as of November 2012, more than 4500 economic entities of various kinds in the development zone have attracted more than a dozen countries and regions, such as the United States, Japan, South Korea, France, and Hong Kong, China, to invest and buy property. Has initially formed food processing, fine chemicals, wire and cable, paper products and other major leading industries. With the establishment of the Investment Promotion Bureau and the Investment Promotion Center by the Development District Management Committee, a certain working mechanism and management mode have been formed. However, with the development of the economy and the emergence of new conditions, the area is also facing the pressure of transformation and upgrading of the traditional industries. The existing system and mode of attracting investment gradually exposed some inherent problems, which affected the sustainable development of economic development. In this paper, the whole process of attracting investment through the development zone is regarded as a "project", and the problems and reasons of the project management in the area are analyzed in combination with the actual situation of the development zone. This paper analyzes the internal and external environment of the project management of attracting investment in the development zone, clarifies the role and function of the government in the process of attracting investment, and sums up the general idea of the project management of the work of attracting investment. This paper defines that the main work of attracting investment through the open district is to strengthen the human resource management, schedule management, risk management and communication management, and puts forward the corresponding solutions and countermeasures. It is of practical significance to realize the project management of attracting investment to improve the efficiency of the government and to study and establish the theory of the project management under the new situation.
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