[Abstract]:Resource-based old industrial cities are an important type of cities in our country. Their industries have different industrial characteristics and industrial structure from other cities, so the transformation and development of urban industries are more arduous and urgent. This paper discusses some characteristics of the industry development process, industrial structure, industrial spatial distribution and ecological environment of resource-based old industrial cities, and analyzes the basic viewpoints of different disciplines on the industrial development of resource-based old industrial cities. Through the analysis of the industrial transformation mode and transformation practice of the old industrial cities based on resources at home and abroad, as well as the analysis of the related theories of industrial development and industrial spatial layout, It is considered that the industrial development of this kind of cities should be integrated into the industrial economy of the surrounding areas and even within a larger scope, through strengthening the superior industries, elongating the industrial chain, optimizing the industrial structure and other industrial development strategies, adopting the means of land replacement and industrial agglomeration. To make the industrial space layout and industrial development to adapt to the reconstruction of industrial advantages. This article further takes Fushun City as an example to carry on the empirical analysis. Fushun is an important energy and raw material industrial base in China, which is formed and developed on the basis of coal mining. At present, it is a resource-based old industrial city with petrochemical industry as its leading industry. At present, there are still many problems to be solved in Fushun's industrial development and industrial spatial layout. Under the regional background of Shenyang economic zone and Shenfu city, combined with the current situation of industrial development and industrial spatial distribution, the paper puts forward the optimization of supporting industry, the extension of industrial chain, and the cultivation of emerging industries. The overall idea of industrial development in implementing the cluster strategy, the "centralization" and hierarchical distribution of the tertiary industry, and the spatial distribution form of the secondary industry's "marginalization" agglomeration, The specific industrial spatial structure and the spatial layout of key industries are adjusted and studied in order to adapt the industrial development to the industrial spatial layout. Finally, the paper makes a summary of the strategy and the form of industrial spatial layout suitable for the industrial development of Fushun City, hoping to play a certain reference role in the industrial development and spatial layout of Fushun City and other old industrial cities of resource type.
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