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发布时间:2018-09-10 08:28
[Abstract]:After the reform and opening up, the development of the regional governance space in the Yangtze River Delta has experienced the formation and initial maturity of the "15 (1)" model from the establishment and extinction of "Shanghai Economic Zone" to the "15 (1)" model of regional governance in the Yangtze River Delta. Then to the evolution of radiation and expansion in the pan-Yangtze River Delta region, which means that the regional governance model begins to change from the homogeneous competition model based on split governance to the diversified co-governance model based on the pluralistic consensus. The theoretical logic of regional governance in the pan-Yangtze River Delta era is manifested in three aspects: one is the new pattern of regional governance optimization in the Yangtze River Delta, the other is the new pattern of regional governance optimization in the pan-Yangtze River Delta. The third is the unique way of development from equipment (infrastructure) to policy (industrial division of labor) to institution (public service and government governance). The practical logic of regional governance in the pan-Yangtze River Delta era is reflected in the transformation from the administrative tendency of the regional governance organization form to the non-governmental organization tendency of emphasizing the regional governance organization form. From the choice of thematic cooperation to the construction of cooperation mechanism, from selective trial and error cooperation to holistic planning and governance. The regional governance space of the Yangtze River Delta is extended to the pan-Yangtze River Delta region. Its deep strategic significance lies in that the regional development strategy of contemporary China begins to move from the original stratification to the three-dimensional. Its historical mission is to explore a new way of regional governance for the modernization construction of contemporary China, that is, from the east to the rise of the central region, and then to the development of the eastern region and the rise of the central region. Then it moves towards the linkage development of the eastern and central regions, and finally to the new pattern of three-dimensional development strategy of balanced development of the whole country.
【作者单位】: 复旦大学国际关系与公共事务学院;


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