[Abstract]:Since the reform of the tax distribution system in 1994, our country has carried out the reform of the fiscal decentralization system with its own characteristics, expanded the financial power of the local government and established the competition mechanism between the local governments. However, with the proportion of local governments in the total fiscal expenditure rising steadily from 45% in 1981 to more than 80% in 2012, the consumption level of residents in China has shown a downward trend, and the total social demand has been insufficient for a long time. The pulling effect of consumption on China's economic growth is far less than that of investment and export. This paper focuses on the influence of fiscal decentralization on residents' consumption level by combining theoretical analysis and empirical research. In this paper, first of all, the related references are systematically arranged, summarized and analyzed. On this basis, the transmission mechanism and path of the influence of fiscal decentralization on residents' consumption level are expounded in detail, respectively from the impact of fiscal decentralization on residents' income. The impact of the consumption environment and the concept of consumption of the residents of the three aspects of research. Secondly, according to the characteristics of the research object, this paper selects the panel data from 1998 to 2012 to build an empirical model, and adopts the individual fixed effect model to analyze the effect of fiscal decentralization on the consumption level of residents. This paper chooses three indexes to measure the level of fiscal decentralization in China, and carries on regression analysis from the four parts of the whole country, east, middle and west. The empirical results show that: (1) across the country, fiscal decentralization has a significant positive impact on the consumption level of Chinese residents, regardless of whether it is a measure of expenditure or an index of income. It shows that fiscal decentralization promotes the improvement of the consumption level of Chinese residents; (2) in the sub-regional discussion, the increase of fiscal decentralization has a stronger positive impact on the consumption level of residents in the eastern and central regions than in the western region. Finally, on the basis of mechanism analysis and empirical research, this paper puts forward some policy suggestions to improve the consumption level of Chinese residents from the perspective of fiscal decentralization: further perfecting the fiscal decentralization system, scientifically adjusting the structure of fiscal expenditure, according to the regional characteristics. While giving local government greater financial power, it is necessary to set up a reasonable performance appraisal mechanism of local government and perfect the financial supervision mechanism, promote green GDP, to improve the consumption environment, and pay attention to the balanced development of regional economic level. Thus promote the improvement of consumption level of our country resident, pull economy growth.
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