[Abstract]:With the rapid development of Beijing's economy and the improvement of industrial structure, the proportion of tertiary industry is about 80%. Beijing has entered a post-industrialization era. Compared with the traditional cities in the industrial age, the most important characteristic of the industry in the post-industrial era is that the tertiary industry, which is dominated by the service industry, has become an important force to promote economic growth. With the optimization of industrial structure, the energy consumption per unit economy is gradually reduced, especially the relationship between power input and economic growth in energy input has been changed. It is helpful to realize the balanced development of economic growth and electric power consumption in Beijing by exploring the relationship between economic growth and electricity consumption in the post-industrialization period. For a long time, the energy factor is often excluded from the model of economic growth when studying the problem of economic growth as an exogenous variable. However, energy is not inexhaustible. The decreasing of energy becomes one of the most important constraints affecting economic growth. In this paper, electric power consumption is included in the analytical framework of economic growth as an endogenous variable to study the dynamic relationship between electricity consumption and economic growth. In this paper, the regional GDP and electricity consumption in Beijing from 1978 to 2011 are studied. After analyzing the current situation, the structural and efficiency effects of power consumption intensity and power consumption intensity are analyzed. The influence of industrial structure improvement and technological progress on electric power efficiency is investigated. Then, an economic growth model including technological progress, capital, labor force and power consumption is established, and the long-term and short-term relationship between economic growth and electricity consumption is investigated by using error correction technology. Finally, the same analysis is carried out according to the three industrial divisions. It is found that the unidirectional causality between the secondary industry and the tertiary industry from electricity consumption to economic growth is an important reason for the one-way causality between electricity consumption and economic growth in Beijing.
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