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发布时间:2018-09-18 14:38
【摘要】:对外开放作为一项重要发展战略,是指在社会日益开放与发展的客观现实下,世界各国通过自愿平等地参与国际事务,保持与外部世界不断地进行物质、人员、信息的交换、流动和联系,以促进发展、实现现代化的战略目标。 我国内陆边境地区与14个国家接壤,边界线长达2.2万公里,其中绝大部分属于少数民族自治地区和少数民族聚居区。沿边民族地区的发展,反映了我国对外开放30年所取得的成就,同时也是民族团结稳定和自我发展的有力体现。民族地区的特殊地理位置关系着我国的国防安全,因此具有十分重要的战略地位。 满洲里口岸位于内蒙古自治区东北部,地处亚欧第一大陆桥的交通要冲,与俄罗斯、蒙古国接壤,是我国最大的内陆口岸,一直以来都是边疆民族地区口岸对外开放的排头兵、欧亚陆路大通道重要的综合性枢纽、沿边地区重要经济增长极、边疆民族地区和谐进步的示范区。改革开放以来,特别是1992年满洲里市被国务院批准为首批沿边开放城市之后,满洲里口岸取得了突飞猛进的发展,可以说满洲里是边疆民族地区口岸对外开放的典型代表。因此,本文旨在通过对满洲里口岸对外开放的研究,有效的反映出我国边疆民族地区对外开放的一些普遍存在的问题,并通过研究为我国沿边民族地区口岸的发展提供一些新的思路。 本文主要包括绪论、主体、结论三大部分。 绪论部分包括选题意义的概括、研究相关动态的梳理、主要研究方法三部分的内容。 主体部分分为三章。第一章是对满洲里对外开放情况的历史回顾和现状分析。满洲里的对外开放是在满洲里口岸建立的基础上形成的。满洲里对外开放的重要内容表现为对外贸易。从满洲里对外开放的历史可以发现,满洲里对俄(苏)贸易的发展进程主要受中俄(苏)经贸关系总体走势和中俄(苏)两国关系的影响。而经过多年的发展,现在满洲里口岸对外贸易总体呈现增长趋势,对外贸易方式已经逐步实现多元化,这既与国家重点开发开放实验区的建设这一重要历史契机有关,也得益于满洲里口岸基础设施建设的稳步推进,通关能力不断增强。第二章着重分析了满洲里口岸对外开放的有利条件及其存在的问题。满洲里口岸发展对外开放,具有其经济基础、政治保障和文化前提,分别是中俄贸易的互补性、中俄良好的国际关系和中俄文化的交汇融合。但是,满洲里口岸对外开放也存在一定的问题,比如说进出口产品领域狭窄,双方合作层次不高;出口能力差,贸易逆差明显;边贸企业规模小,抵御风险能力弱。同时,其更深层次的制约性的因素也是根深蒂固的,例如俄方政策多变且不规范,我国边境贸易政策不稳定,同时,满洲里对外开放的水平深受中俄两国关系的影响,也具有不确定性。在此前论述和分析的基础上,笔者对满洲里口岸对外开放的发展进行了有针对性的战略探讨。笔者认为要推进满洲里口岸对外开放的稳定、健康发展,要着重经贸、政治、文化三个层面上的战略举措,首先,要增强区域合作,推进区域经贸往来;第二,要加强政府间往来,推动政治互信;第三,要促进边疆文化交流。 中俄关系到了几个世纪以来最好的时候。“俄罗斯的‘经济之帆’需要乘上‘中国之风’”,满洲里口岸对外开放的发展更需要抓住中俄国家关系的“蜜月期”和俄罗斯成功“入世”的有利时机,从而获得更好的发展。
[Abstract]:Opening to the outside world as an important development strategy means that under the objective reality of the increasingly open and developing society, countries in the world participate in international affairs on a voluntary and equal basis, and maintain constant exchanges, flows and contacts with the outside world in order to promote development and realize the strategic objectives of modernization.
China's inland border areas are bordered by 14 countries with a border line of 22,000 km, most of which belong to ethnic autonomous areas and areas inhabited by ethnic minorities. The special geographical position is related to China's national defense security, so it has a very important strategic position.
Manzhouli Port is located in the northeast of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. It is located in the northeast of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. It is the largest inland port in China. It is located on the border of Russia and Mongolia. Since the reform and opening up, especially after Manzhouli City was approved by the State Council as the first batch of open cities along the border in 1992, Manzhouli Port has made rapid progress. Manzhouli Port can be said to be a typical representative of the opening up of the frontier ethnic areas. The study of port opening to the outside world effectively reflects some common problems existing in the opening up of China's frontier ethnic areas, and provides some new ideas for the development of China's frontier ethnic areas.
This article mainly includes three parts: introduction, main body and conclusion.
The introduction part includes the summary of the significance of the topic, the study of relevant dynamics, and the main research methods.
The main part is divided into three chapters. The first chapter is a historical review and analysis of Manchuria's opening to the outside world. The development of Yi is mainly influenced by the general trend of Sino-Russian (Soviet) economic and trade relations and the relations between China and Russia (Soviet Union). The second chapter focuses on the favorable conditions and existing problems of the opening up of Manzhouli Port. The opening up of Manzhouli Port has its economic foundation, political guarantee and cultural premise, which are complementary to Sino-Russian trade. However, there are still some problems in the opening up of Manzhouli Port, such as the narrow field of import and export products, the low level of cooperation between the two sides, the poor export capacity, the obvious trade deficit, the small scale of border trade enterprises, the weak ability to resist risks. For example, Russia's policy is changeable and non-standard, and China's border trade policy is unstable. At the same time, the level of Manchuria's opening up to the outside world is deeply influenced by the relationship between China and Russia, and it is also uncertain. On the basis of the previous discussion and analysis, the author has targeted the development of Manchuria's opening up to the outside world. The author holds that in order to promote the stable and healthy development of the opening up of Manzhouli Port to the outside world, we should focus on the strategic measures at the three levels of economy, trade, politics and culture. Firstly, we should strengthen regional cooperation and promote regional economic and trade exchanges; secondly, we should strengthen inter-governmental exchanges and promote political mutual trust; thirdly, we should promote cultural exchanges in the border areas.
China and Russia are related to the best time in centuries. "Russia's economic sail" needs to ride the "wind of China". The development of Manchuria Port opening to the outside world needs to seize the "honeymoon period" of Sino-Russian relations and the favorable opportunity of Russia's successful "entry into the WTO" so as to achieve better development.


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