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发布时间:2018-10-10 15:05
【摘要】:低碳发展是一种以低能耗、低污染、低排放和高能效、高效率和高效益(三低三高)为主要特征,以较少的温室气体排放获得较大产出的新经济发展模式,是一场涉及生产模式、生活与消费方式、价值观念和国家权益的全球性革命。面对工业化和全球化的加深加速推进,气候灾难的频繁警告,使得气候变化这一全球性的环境问题逐渐上升为国际社会关注的最大焦点。在全球共同应对气候日益恶化的时代背景下,低碳发展受到国内外专家学者的广泛关注。气候变化问题已越来越多的浸入到经济、政治、贸易和外交等领域,是国际关系和全球化进程中无法绕开的关键量变。因此,研究低碳发展问题,具有重要的现实意义。 当前,在全球气候变化危机、能源危机和金融危机叠加的严峻形势下,低碳发展正逐步成为国际社会的共识。然而,目前的学界对低碳发展问题的研究,虽然总结探索了不少经验,但是总体上还处于起步阶段,没有形成系统的理论。特别是指导贫困山区低碳发展的理论著作几乎没有。本文以集“革命老区、边远山区、连片贫困地区和地震重灾区”的广元市为对象,运用可持续发展、生态足迹等理论,进行深入剖析研究。“5·12”汶川特大地震后,大量重建资金涌入地震重灾区广元,为发展注入了强劲动能。面对重大发展机遇,选择什么样的发展思路十分关键。笔者认为,像广元这样的欠发达地区既不能走先污染后治理的老路,又不能原地踏步、缓慢发展,等着国家转移支付度日。广元市站在加快转变经济发展方式的高度,创新思路,大胆尝试,在灾后重建的过程中率先提出并践行了走低碳重建、低碳发展的路子。几年来,广元灾后重建低碳特色彰显,产业结构低碳导向突出,能源体系低碳特征明显,生活方式低碳理念树立,经济实力显著增强,城乡面貌焕然一新,基础设施日臻完善,社会事业蓬勃发展,生态环境更加优美。广元市也因此先后荣获“低碳中国贡献城市”和全国首批“低碳发展突出贡献城市”称号。实践证明,广元推动低碳发展前景广阔、大有可为。 广元的低碳发展的大胆探索和实践,对探索欠发达地区走低碳发展之路具有先行示范意义。本文在梳理广元低碳发展现状的基础上,借鉴保定、成都、重庆等地发展经验,借助中国社会科学研究院评估低碳城市的标准体系,对广元低碳发展水平进行评价分析,进一步总结经验,提出低碳发展建议,以期为其他地区低碳发展提供有益参考。
[Abstract]:Low-carbon development is a new economic development model characterized by low energy consumption, low pollution, low emissions and high energy efficiency, high efficiency and high efficiency (three low and three high), with less greenhouse gas emissions to achieve greater output. It is a global revolution involving production patterns, life and consumption patterns, values and national rights and interests. In the face of the acceleration of industrialization and globalization and the frequent warning of climate disaster, climate change, a global environmental problem, has gradually become the biggest focus of attention of the international community. Under the background of global climate deterioration, low-carbon development has been widely concerned by experts and scholars at home and abroad. The issue of climate change, which has been increasingly embedded in economic, political, trade and diplomatic fields, is a key quantitative change that cannot be bypassed in international relations and the process of globalization. Therefore, the study of low-carbon development has an important practical significance. At present, in the severe situation of global climate change crisis, energy crisis and financial crisis superimposed, low-carbon development is gradually becoming the consensus of the international community. However, the current academic research on low-carbon development, although summarized and explored a lot of experience, but on the whole is still in its infancy, there is no systematic theory. In particular, there are few theoretical works to guide the development of low carbon in poor mountain areas. This paper takes Guangyuan City, which is a collection of "revolutionary old areas, remote mountainous areas, even impoverished areas and quake-hit areas" as the object of study, using the theories of sustainable development, ecological footprint, and so on, to carry out in-depth analysis and study after the "512" Wenchuan earthquake. A large number of reconstruction funds poured into the earthquake-hit area Guangyuan, for development into a strong momentum. In the face of major development opportunities, the choice of what kind of development thinking is crucial. The author believes that less developed areas such as Guangyuan can neither take the old road of pollution first and then control it, nor can they stand still and develop slowly, waiting for the transfer payment of the country to survive. Standing at the height of speeding up the transformation of economic development mode, Guangyuan City has innovated its ideas and tried boldly, and put forward and put into practice the road of low-carbon reconstruction and low-carbon development in the process of post-disaster reconstruction. Over the past few years, the reconstruction of low-carbon features after the Guangyuan disaster, the prominent low-carbon orientation of the industrial structure, the obvious low-carbon characteristics of the energy system, the establishment of the concept of low-carbon lifestyle, the remarkable enhancement of economic strength, the renewal of the urban and rural landscape, and the improvement of infrastructure, Social undertakings flourish, and the ecological environment is more beautiful. Because of this, Guangyuan City has won the title of "low carbon China contribution City" and the first batch of "low carbon Development Outstanding contribution City". Practice has proved that Guangyuan to promote low-carbon development prospects are broad, promising. The bold exploration and practice of Guangyuan's low carbon development is of great significance for exploring the way of low carbon development in less developed areas. On the basis of combing the present situation of Guangyuan's low-carbon development, using Baoding, Chengdu and Chongqing's development experience for reference, and with the help of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences' standard system for evaluating low-carbon cities, this paper evaluates and analyzes the development level of Guangyuan's low-carbon cities. Further summing up the experience and putting forward the low carbon development suggestions, in order to provide useful reference for other low carbon development.


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