[Abstract]:Productivity is regarded as the determinant of long-term economic growth, but there are many differences in how to identify the influencing factors in empirical analysis. This paper first estimates the productivity levels in China from 1978 to 2013, then investigates the mechanism of productivity fluctuation and analyzes the causes of productivity decline since 2008. The results show that: (1) in terms of technological progress and technological efficiency, the impact of R & D intensity and degree of opening to the outside world on productivity is significantly positive. The impact of relative income level is significantly negative; (2) inventory size and employment participation rate have significant negative and positive effects on productivity by influencing the effective use of factors; (3) from the perspective of factor allocation efficiency, inventory size and employment participation rate have significant negative and positive effects on productivity, respectively. Government intervention has a significant negative impact on productivity, and investment rate is negatively correlated with productivity. The decline in productivity in China in recent years is mainly due to the weakening of its "late-development advantage", the continued decline in employment participation and the rising investment rate.
【作者单位】: 清华大学经济管理学院;中央财经大学经济学院;
【基金】:2010年度国家社科重大基金项目(10zd&007) 教育部人文社科一般项目(12YJC790269)的资助
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