[Abstract]:Economic growth is the necessary basis for the growth of residents' income, but not every country's income can achieve coordinated growth with the national economy. The difference between income share and income is an important index to measure whether the income of residents and the national economy increase harmoniously. This paper makes an international comparison from these two important aspects, from the world, From the perspective of horizontal and development, it is found that there is no absolute unified standard for the proportion of resident income to GDP, and that the proportion of resident income in China is not seriously low at present. In the middle income stage of US $3 000 to 10 000 US dollars per capita, the continuous uplink of the proportion of labor remuneration income is an important feature of crossing the "trap", and the downward trend of the labor remuneration ratio in our country should be paid more attention to. Within the limits of social tolerance, the income gap of residents is an important part of the coordinated growth between the income of residents and the national economy. Compared with the typical countries, the income gap of our country expands rapidly, and the Gini coefficient has exceeded the international warning line. We should attach great importance to it. From the international experience, the coordinated growth of residents' income and national economy is not the result of natural development, but the result of the joint action of "invisible hand" and "tangible hand". Government intervention and market mechanism support each other to play an irreplaceable role.
【作者单位】: 湖南省财政厅;中央财经大学税务学院;
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