[Abstract]:Under the background of accelerating the transformation of the mode of economic development as the main line, the fundamental adjustment of the economic structure has become the main goal and reform direction of the current economic development. The optimization and upgrading of industrial structure is an important part of economic structure adjustment. On the one hand, the industrial structure determines the total amount of tax revenue and the structure of tax sources. The optimization of industrial structure not only promotes economic growth, but also provides an effective guarantee for the source of tax revenue. In addition, the development and change of industrial structure will promote the change of tax source structure. On the other hand, the government will use tax means to exert its macro-control function and counteract industrial structure. Driven by the development of the Beibu Gulf Economic Zone, Guangxi's economy is growing rapidly and steadily. The development of local economy and society determines the scale of tax revenue in this area to a certain extent. The increase of tax revenue in Guangxi mainly comes from the development of economy and the optimization of industrial structure. Based on the investigation of the evolution course and present situation of Guangxi's industrial structure, it is pointed out that there are some problems in Guangxi's current industrial structure adjustment, such as lower level of industrial structure, slower speed of industrial structure adjustment and lower degree of integration between industries. By using data to analyze the scale and structure of industrial tax revenue, it is concluded that the level of tax revenue in Guangxi is on the low side, the ability of the tertiary industry to create taxes is insufficient, and the regional tax differences are quite large. The empirical analysis further verifies the relationship between the industrial structure of Guangxi and the level of taxation and the structure of tax sources, as well as the effect of tax policy on the three industries. It is suggested to combine policy guidance and tax means to promote the continuous optimization and adjustment of Guangxi's industrial structure and the reasonable and sustained growth of Guangxi's tax revenue.
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