[Abstract]:The influence of China-ASEAN infrastructure interconnection goes beyond the infrastructure construction itself and has an important impact on the global political and economic landscape. Therefore, this paper analyzes the advantages and problems of China-ASEAN infrastructure interconnection based on the (CAFTA) upgrade version of the China-ASEAN Free Trade area and the maritime Silk Road strategy, and extends to China and ASEAN. The benefit game between the regional powers and the outside powers in Southeast Asia, as well as the restriction of China's industrial transformation, financial supervision and government decentralization on the construction of China-ASEAN infrastructure interconnection. This paper suggests that in the construction of China-ASEAN infrastructure interconnection, we should strengthen the strategic mutual trust between China and ASEAN, pay attention to the industrial docking between China and ASEAN, and try to control the financing risk of infrastructure interconnection.
【作者单位】: 外交学院国际经济学院;
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