[Abstract]:At present, the development connotation of the relations between the BRICS (Russia, India, China), the four countries (Pakistan, Russia, India, China), the five countries (Pakistan, Russia, India, China, South Africa) is not clear, and the scale of cooperation, the scope of exchanges and the direction of activities are not clear. However, there are some very important prerequisites for countries to move towards essential contact within the framework, the first of which is that they are opposed to the establishment of a unipolar world. The BRICS framework could be an important guarantee for its members to consolidate their position in the world economic system and achieve their specific goals. Special attention should be paid to the economic relations between Russia, China and India, mainly because of the geographical proximity of the three countries to the Eurasian continent. The all-round development of the cultural subsystem is equally important, first of all, cooperation in the field of education (absorbing a large number of Chinese and Indian students from medicine and natural sciences to study in Russia; deepening the links between colleges and universities and the field of science). At the same time, cultural propaganda activities should be greatly expanded. The economic, political and military ties between Russia, China and India will give new connotations to the exchanges between the BRICS countries and can shake the unipolar situation in the developed countries in the north. BRICS members do not intend to undermine international political and economic relations, but to consolidate their position in the world.
【作者单位】: 俄罗斯外交部国立莫斯科国际关系学院亚非研究院;黑龙江大学俄罗斯语言文学与文化研究中心;
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