本文关键词:桩承式加筋路堤土拱效应的缩尺模型试验研究 出处:《岩石力学与工程学报》2015年S2期 论文类型:期刊论文
更多相关文章: 桩基础 桩承式加筋路堤 刚性桩 土工合成材料 土拱效应 黏聚力 桩帽净间距
[Abstract]:Based on the scale model test, the influence of the net spacing of the pile cap and the nature of the embankment on the soil arching effect in the pile supported reinforced embankment is studied. The influence of the cohesive force and the distance between the pile caps on the soil arching effect and the rule of the change with the additional load are analyzed. The results show that: (1) the cohesion of the embankment soil arch effect, soil pressure on the pile cap and pile soil pressure increased, decreased; compared with the cohesion of 0 fill, fill in the cohesive force is not equal to 0, the pile load sharing ratio increases, the settlement of pile load conditions between the soil and the embankment surface under the same load were decreased. (2) the arch condition of the fill should not be related to the cohesive force, and the height of the soil arch should be more than 1 times and less than 1.5 times the net spacing of the pile cap. (3) the larger the pile cap spacing is, the weaker the soil arch effect is, the smaller the load sharing ratio of the pile is. (4) no matter whether the cohesive force of the embankment fills or how the net spacing of pile caps varies, the earth pressure at the edge of pile cap in pile supported reinforced embankment is greater than that at the center of pile cap.
【作者单位】: 同济大学地下建筑与工程系;同济大学岩土及地下工程教育部重点实验室;
【正文快照】: 1引言桩承式加筋路堤是由地基、桩和桩帽、加筋垫层与填土路堤所构成的,通过桩(帽)和水平加筋的共同作用,以满足软土地基上建造路堤的一种新型构筑物形式。桩承式加筋路堤受力性状比较复杂,桩的抗压刚度大于桩间土抗压刚度,因而桩间土上路堤沉降大于桩帽上路堤沉降,两者之间存
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