本文关键词:空间主缆自锚式悬索桥扭转特性与扭转效应试验研究 出处:《长沙理工大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
更多相关文章: 自锚式悬索桥 索夹横向预偏角 模型试验 主缆截面扭转角
[Abstract]:The main cable of self anchored suspension bridge by the state for the process of conversion of cable bridge state, at the same time by the size of the main cable due to different direction of 3D Suspender Force, saddle and cable clamp binding effect, making the two saddle between the main cable will occur in different degrees. The torsion torsion will cause the cable clip lofting pre bias the angle is not accurate, so need to adjust the cable clamp angle weight tons in the process of system transformation, which is more difficult, to extend the construction period. This paper focuses on the National Natural Science Fund Project "the main cable of suspension bridge with Spatial Adaptive Coordinated control structure form and effect theory and method". The main bridge of Hangzhou Jiangdong Bridge as the engineering background, to study the torsional characteristics of spatial cable self anchored suspension bridge section and torsion effect rule, the main contents are as follows: (1) considering the economy, model material, production The basic process and laboratory conditions, to determine the geometric scale test model is 1:15; expounds the suspender tensioning anchorage system and cable shape measuring device; put forward the concept of the main cable section azimuth, calculation method of main cable section torsion angle geometry; set up the appropriate test program (. 2) the establishment of the main cable of the finite element model of ANSYS based on the spatial change of main cable section torsional stiffness and lateral angle of cable clamp pre two parameters, finite element analysis, the spatial main cable torsion characteristic research and torsion effect, reveals the main causes of torsion of the main cable (3) was carried out. Clip cable pre angle variety test of various suspender force magnitude and direction, using gravity inclinometer of Suspender Force direction angle with the horizontal plane and cable clamp direction deflection angle with the horizontal plane was measured, using a new type of cable configuration testing system for main cable section The spatial position and azimuth test. (4) according to the test data, the analysis of different positions of different cable clamp, cable clamp preformed angle size, the influence of different parameters on the size of Suspender Force of main cable section torsion angle, draw the corresponding conclusions, reveals the main cable engineering background is twisting and anti torsion the reason. (5) of the main cable section torsion angle values of theoretical calculation are compared with the measured value, study on the cause of the error, the main cable section to determine the regularity of the effect of torsion characteristic method and torsion.
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