本文关键词:某混凝土桥梁安全检测及研究 出处:《广州大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
更多相关文章: 检测 Midas/civil有限元 静载试验 动载试验
[Abstract]:The detection of a concrete bridge as the engineering background, mainly to do the basic detection and load test. Through the comparison and analysis of test data and finite element calculation results of the bridge structure of the bridge, according to the relevant standard requirements, determine the overall safety of the working capacity of the concrete bridge. The main contents are as follows: (1) the detection the bridge appearance defects, concrete strength testing and reinforced concrete protective layer detection and nondestructive detection method, detection of a concrete bridge. (2) the establishment of a concrete bridge model using finite element analysis software Midas/civil, in the city - a design load, the internal force distribution of different calculation results, the maximum deflection of midspan the deformation is 4.47mm and the maximum positive moment is 1.01 * 104kN m; after Lancsos subspace iterative method to calculate the bridge model with 5 modes, the first 5 natural frequencies and vibration period, the The fundamental frequency of bridge model is 2.9025Hz, the calculation of impact coefficient of 0.173. (3) static load test in a concrete bridge structure, strain and deflection control section to acquire bridge load and bias load conditions of the deformation, the value calculated static load test under the condition of 0.82 is the average value and model. Check the status of the 1 strain coefficient, the average coefficient of deflection is 0.64. the average coefficient under the 2 conditions of the strain is 0.66, 0.62. is the average coefficient of deflection (4) of a concrete bridge fluctuation test, running test and jumping test, collecting the dynamic response parameters are natural frequency, impact coefficient and the damping value compared with the calculated value than the test. One of the biggest impact coefficient measured is 1.079 less than the calculated value of 1.173 and the average impact coefficient to calculate the value of 1.066 accounted for 90.9%, the damping ratio is 0.0358.
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