本文关键词: 隧道工程 水压力 仰拱开裂 整治措施 出处:《铁道工程学报》2017年01期 论文类型:期刊论文
【摘要】:研究目的:近年来,水压力作用下隧道底部结构裂损病害时有出现,严重影响隧道运营安全。本文以水压力作用下某仰拱填充结构开裂病害隧道为例,采用数值模拟和现场实测的方法,研究案例隧道仰拱填充结构开裂机理,并提出该类隧道病害的整治措施。研究结论:(1)水压力作用下,仰拱填充结构裂缝上宽下窄,呈"V"字型,仰拱填充面出现中间上抬、两侧下沉现象,裂缝主要出现在仰拱填充面隧道中心线附近,沿隧道中心线分布,在边墙附近未见裂缝;(2)该隧道仰拱水压力最大值,数值计算和现场测试结果分别为0.213 MPa、0.2 MPa;(3)若只考虑围岩压力,不会导致仰拱填充结构出现裂缝;若考虑围岩压力与水压力共同作用,最大主应力极值出现在填充结构上部靠近隧道轴线位置,为拉应力,且最大主应力极值会大于素混凝土的极限抗拉强度,会产生拉裂缝;(4)在既有隧道仰拱水压力较大段落,可采取在仰拱及填充结构中配筋、刚性袖阀管注浆加固基底,并对隧底地下水进行排导的综合整治措施;(5)该案例隧道仰拱填充结构开裂病害经整治后,由近几年的情况来看,本文提出的整治措施效果良好,可供类似的病害隧道整治参考。
[Abstract]:Research purpose: in recent years, the crack damage of tunnel bottom structure under water pressure has occurred frequently, which seriously affects the tunnel operation safety. This paper takes the crack tunnel of an inverted arch filled structure under the action of water pressure as an example. By using numerical simulation and field measurement, the cracking mechanism of tunnel inverted arch filling structure is studied, and the treatment measures for this kind of tunnel disease are put forward. The research conclusion is that under the action of water pressure, the crack of inverted arch filled structure is narrow in width and narrow in shape with "V" shape. The inverted arch filling surface is raised in the middle and the two sides sink. The cracks mainly appear near the center line of the tunnel with the inverted arch filling surface and distribute along the tunnel center line. No cracks are seen near the side wall.) the maximum water pressure in the inverted arch of the tunnel is the highest. The numerical calculation and field test results are 0.213 MPA / 0. 2 MPA / 3) if only the surrounding rock pressure is considered, the fracture will not occur in the inverted arch filled structure, and if the surrounding rock pressure and water pressure are taken into account, The maximum principal stress extremum appears in the upper part of the filled structure near the tunnel axis, which is the tensile stress, and the maximum principal stress extreme value will be greater than the ultimate tensile strength of plain concrete, and will produce a tensile crack 4) in the existing tunnel inverted arch water pressure section, the maximum principal stress extreme value will be greater than the ultimate tensile strength of the plain concrete. It is possible to adopt comprehensive regulation measures such as reinforcement in inverted arch and filling structure, rigid sleeve valve pipe grouting to strengthen the base, and drainage of underground water at the bottom of the tunnel. (5) the cracking disease of the tunnel inverted arch filling structure can be treated in this case, from the situation of recent years, it can be seen from the situation in recent years. The regulation measures proposed in this paper have a good effect and can be used as reference for the regulation of similar diseased tunnels.
【作者单位】: 中铁西南科学研究院有限公司;中国铁建投资集团有限公司;
【基金】:中铁股份有限公司科技开发计划项目(2013-重点-09) 中铁科研院课题(2015-KJ042-G011-02)
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