本文关键词: 软土地区 运营高铁 临近施工 安全评估 数值仿真 出处:《天津大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:With the large-scale construction of high-speed railway, the number of high-speed railway that has been built and under construction is increasing. At present, the scale of the city is expanding, and the segmentation of high-speed railway is becoming more and more important, because the municipal planning can not follow up in time. As a result, more and more municipal pipelines and roads must pass through the completed and under construction high-speed railway bridges. In soft soil areas, the ballastless track of high-speed railway bridges has strict requirements for settlement and bearing capacity, in order to ensure the safety of high-speed railway bridges, In order to reduce the possibility of engineering accidents, it is generally necessary to carry out special design and systematic engineering safety assessment for the construction protection of projects adjacent to or under high-speed rail. However, there is no standard for the protection technology and safety assessment technology of such projects. Therefore, it is necessary to study the protection design and safety assessment technology of high-speed rail projects near the soft soil area. To provide technical support for the protection design and safety assessment of similar projects. This project is based on the project of Tianjin Wuqing Cuiheng Road crossing between Beijing and Tianjin and the Beijing-Shanghai Railway. This project is the first high speed railway interchange project in operation in our country. It has high safety risk and complex engineering technology. In this paper, the safety assessment techniques such as settlement and deformation of adjacent high-speed railway passage project are studied, and the empirical formula method and 3D finite element modeling method are used. The influence analysis of dewatering construction and the excavation and pouring process of foundation pit are carried out respectively, and the results of safety assessment are compared with the measured data of bridge and roadbed settlement on high-speed railway line. In order to ensure the operation safety of high-speed railway, the research shows that the underground water level should be controlled, the excavation and unloading of foundation pit and the loading of structure should be controlled in order to verify the effectiveness of the evaluation method. Adopting high pressure rotary jet grouting pile to complete sealing design can avoid the influence of foundation pit pumping or dewatering on the settlement of existing high iron, and effectively reduce the influence of foundation pit construction and structure loading on the deformation of adjacent railway. The comparison between the modeling analysis and the measured data proves that the evaluation method is accurate and feasible, which can effectively reduce the construction safety risk and ensure the operation safety of the high-speed railway. It can be used as a reference for the safety assessment of similar projects in the future.
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