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发布时间:2018-07-27 12:19
[Abstract]:Visibility is an important meteorological observation index. Low visibility has great influence on meteorological, traffic, military and agricultural fields. Among them, it has the greatest impact on the traffic field. Traffic accidents caused by low-visibility weather often occur on expressways. Quite a number of major traffic accidents are caused by multi-vehicle pile-ups. This poses a great threat to the safety of people's lives and property. In order to solve this problem, it is necessary to place the visibility detection equipment on the road densely, to warn the low visibility situation in time, to ensure the safety of traffic operation. The traditional visibility meter is complex, expensive and unable to meet the requirements. Visibility detection of video images has attracted many researchers' attention because of its low cost, simple operation and high reliability. Based on the existing research results, this paper makes further research and improvement on some visibility algorithms of video images. The main research work of this paper is as follows: the double brightness difference method is studied, and the visibility detection is realized by this algorithm. The error analysis is done. When there is an occlusion behind the blackbody and the background sky gray distribution is not uniform, the traditional double brightness difference method will have a large detection error. In this paper, the algorithm is improved to solve this problem. The region growing method is used to segment the sky region of the image, and the average value of the pixel gray level in the sky region is obtained. The experimental results show that the improved algorithm can get more accurate visibility value. The dark channel priori method is studied and the transmittance is calculated by using the dark channel theory. The range information is obtained and the visibility is calculated by the camera calibration technique. In view of the small value of the transmittance sky region estimated by the traditional dark channel priori theory, an adaptive threshold segmentation method based on k-means clustering algorithm is proposed to segment the sky region accurately and to correct the transmittance of the sky region. For the atmospheric luminance value which needs to be calculated in the process of estimating transmittance, when there is interference of pure white object in the image, the estimated value by traditional method will be larger than the actual value. In this paper, the threshold method is proposed to estimate atmospheric luminance. Experiments show that these improvements can make the visibility detection results more accurate. For the double brightness difference method, the improved double brightness difference method, the dark channel priori method and the improved dark channel prior method, the visibility detection experiments are done, and the video image data of several different weather conditions are used. The improved double brightness difference method and the improved dark channel priori method are verified to be more accurate and reliable than the corresponding traditional algorithms. The improved algorithm can adapt to different weather conditions.


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