[Abstract]:With the development of road infrastructure in China, highway mileage is increasing year by year, and the service life of existing highway is increasing gradually. With the development of social economy, the traffic volume of highway is increasing, and the demand for road is becoming higher and higher. Therefore, in recent years, the construction quantity of highway reconstruction and maintenance in China has increased year by year. The construction and maintenance of highway reconstruction and extension are generally carried out by the way of construction, and the road is still in a state of passage during the construction process. The existence of the operation area will affect the capacity of the road section and cause the bottleneck point. At the same time, because the operation area makes the road traffic environment more complicated, it is more likely to happen traffic safety accidents and become the dangerous point of the accidents. In order to study the influencing factors of traffic safety in the operation area, the safety risk level of the operation area is evaluated, and on the basis of this, the traffic organization and the method of setting up the traffic safety facilities in the operation area are studied. In order to provide theoretical basis for traffic organization and safety protection in construction and maintenance units, the traffic safety and traffic organization in Zhandao operation area are studied in this paper. In this paper, first of all, through the analysis of traffic safety accidents at home and abroad, the current situation of traffic safety in China is summarized, and the data are collected and sorted out. The data are obtained from the examination and approval management department and the maintenance construction enterprise, and the main risk factors that affect the traffic safety of the road occupation area in China are sorted out, and the risk factor evaluation model is constructed by using the Analytic hierarchy process (AHP). This paper analyzes and evaluates the traffic safety risk factors in the operation area of our country. At the same time, through the field observation of the traffic flow data in the occupation area, the characteristics of the traffic flow in the occupation area are analyzed, and on this basis, the method of quantitative analysis of the safety risk in the occupation area is put forward. In view of the problem of traffic organization and safety in the operation area, this paper studies the length setting parameters of the main six functional sections in the operation area, and puts forward the corresponding calculation method. It can be used to guide the function area layout under different conditions. On the other hand, by constructing the psychological cognitive model of drivers, the method of setting traffic signs in the occupation area is put forward, and the calculation method of the key parameters, such as the front distance and reset distance of traffic signs, is given. Combined with other safety and security facilities in the operation area, the optimization scheme of traffic safety facilities in the form of occupation operation area is put forward. This paper can provide a reference for the traffic organization and safety guarantee of the actual highway construction and maintenance work.
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