[Abstract]:The Expressway in mountainous area with complicated topography and geology is quite different from the city in traffic demand, and the main line index of the expressway is relatively compact. Taking Heixi interchange of Shiqian expressway as an example, the unconventional variant interchange in complex mountainous area is established in terms of the overall layout of the interchange, the control of the alignment index, the arrangement of bridges, the setting of subgrade and so on. The study shows that the interchange covers a large area and has a prominent contradiction with the land use conditions in mountainous areas. Conventional interchange forms have poor adaptability to topography and geological conditions. It is necessary to make appropriate variations in the layout of interchanges in complex mountainous areas. Flexible wiring, safety, comfort, economic design concept, the main line and ramp alignment index of the interchange area should be combined with the bridge, subgrade engineering control, the main line and ramp bridge engineering settings should be based on the topography, geological conditions, construction conditions and other forms of piers and abutments, pay attention to the unity of span and beam type, Subgrade Engineering should reduce abandonment. Attention should be paid to the protection of bad geological paragraphs, and the pavement structure index should be selected according to the main line, ramp and deck pavement.
【作者单位】: 中铁第一勘察设计院集团有限公司;
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