[Abstract]:The geometric nonlinearity of long-span suspension bridge determines that its structure is easily affected by live load such as driveway load wind load and other dynamic loads. Therefore, the analysis of dynamic performance is necessary and a key step in the design of long span bridges. Taking the Liujiaxia Bridge, located in Yongjing County, Gansu Province, as the engineering background, around the aerodynamic analysis of the main girder section of the bridge, the existing research work is based on the theoretical analysis. Using wind tunnel test and finite element numerical simulation method, the aerodynamic performance of bridge girder section is studied locally to integrally. The main works and conclusions are as follows: (1) the wind tunnel test data of the stiffened girder section of the Liujiaxia Bridge are summarized, and the variation law of the three-point force coefficient with the reduced wind speed and the eight aerodynamic derivatives are obtained, and the comparison conditions for the latter numerical analysis are provided. The three-point force coefficient was measured by wind tunnel segment model test, and the curve of variation of three-point force coefficient with wind attack angle was plotted. The relationship between aerodynamic three-point force coefficient and flutter stability performance was analyzed, and then the static three-point force coefficient of different sections of the bridge was obtained by analyzing the relationship between aerodynamic three-point force coefficient and flutter stability performance. The flutter stability of the structure section is evaluated and judged quickly. The aerodynamic parameters of the bridge section are of great significance for the design and selection of the bridge, as well as the safety and economy of the bridge structure. (2) in order to better explain the advantages and disadvantages of the aerodynamic selection of the bridge section, The steel box girder with the same cross section size as the main girder of Liujiaxia Bridge is selected from the section of the existing main girder. The net width of the main girder is 15.6 m and the height is 2 m. The aerodynamic numerical model of the main beam section is established by using the CFD method in Midas FEA, and the aerodynamic performance of the main beam section is studied under the condition of similar geometric conditions and given the same boundary conditions and analytical conditions. From the extracted three-point force coefficient and pressure field distribution map with time variation, comprehensive analysis and comparison, The section aerodynamic performance of steel truss stiffened beam is better than that of steel box stiffened beam. (3) the aerodynamic numerical simulation of stiffened girder section shows that the wind resistance of the whole suspension bridge is one-sided and incomplete. Therefore, the three-dimensional finite element dynamic model of suspension bridge is established, and two stiffened beams with different cross-section are put into the whole structure of the bridge. Boundary conditions are added, and the analysis conditions are set up, and the overall anti-wind performance of the suspension bridge is analyzed and calculated. The first six vibration modes are extracted. The vertical, lateral and torsional displacement values of the stiffened beam in the middle span of the bridge are analyzed in the process of wind speed step by step loading. In the whole analysis of the bridge, it is concluded that the suspension bridges with two kinds of cross-section main beams can meet the requirements of wind resistance combined with the structural characteristics of Liujiaxia Bridge, but the wind-resistant performance of stiffened beams with steel truss section is stronger than that of steel truss stiffened beams. It is more suitable for the Liujiaxia Bridge itself. (4) in the numerical simulation of the cross-section aerodynamic calculation of the bridge, the finite element Midas FEA can only carry out two-dimensional CFD analysis, while the steel truss stiffening beam is a multi-member composite non-closed beam. A three-dimensional model is needed to accurately simulate the aerodynamic performance of the main beam in the wind field. At present, there are some modules such as Workbench,FLOTRAN in ANSYS to simulate the air flow field. In the analysis of the data, the bearing characteristics of the long-span suspension bridge structure and the influence of the geographical environment and seasonal climate on the site of the Liujiaxia Bridge are taken into account. In addition, the bridge is the first long span in Northwest China with the narrowest deck, and the first concrete filled steel tube (CFST) with large diameter is used as the tower member in China.
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