[Abstract]:The incremental test of main cable force is one of the main test items of static load test of suspension bridge, but at present, the common testing methods of cable force of suspension bridge (vibration method) have some shortcomings, such as high technical requirements, complex calculation and so on, so they can not be well applied to the incremental test of main cable force in bridge static load test. Therefore, a new and simple indirect test method for the increment of main cable force is proposed. Assuming that the main cable is located in the same vertical plane, the relationship between the cable force of the main cable and the internal force of any section above the beam under the main tower can be derived by analyzing the stress balance equation of the main cable section at the top of the suspension bridge and the stress balance equation above the beam under the main tower, and the relationship between the force increment of the main cable and the internal force increment of the section can be further obtained. According to the internal force balance equation and the stress-strain relationship of the section, the relationship between the internal force increment and the surface strain increment of any section above the beam under the main tower is obtained. According to the geometric size, material characteristics and other parameters of the tower column and the main cable, the increment of the cable force of the main cable can be calculated. This method is applied to the static load test of Xixin Bridge in Yongkang City, and the increment of the cable force of the main cable is tested, and good results are obtained. At the same time, the factors affecting the incremental test accuracy of the main cable force are analyzed with an example, and it is put forward that the strain test accuracy, the material characteristics of the tower column, the test cross section area and the angle between the tangential and vertical directions of the main cable at the top of the tower have great influence on the test results. These parameters should be accurately measured or estimated in practical use. The method is simple and convenient, and the requirements for instruments, equipment and test conditions are low, which can provide a reference for the incremental test of the main cable force of the same kind of bridge in the static load test.
【作者单位】: 浙江浙交检测有限公司;
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