本文关键词: 随机图 图染色 点可约染色 邻点可约染色 出处:《兰州交通大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:In real life, there are many practical problems in classifying the set of certain objects according to certain rules, while the problem of graph coloring happens to classify the vertex and edge elements in a graph according to some rules. So many practical problems can be abstracted and solved by the method of graph coloring, which is the main direction of graph theory research. Experts and scholars at home and abroad have done a lot of research to find specific solutions to various dyeing problems. Classical intelligent algorithms such as genetic algorithms are common. For smaller graphs, the optimal solution or suboptimal solution can be obtained by using these algorithms to solve the graph coloring problem. However, when the size of the graph required for the solution increases. The time complexity and efficiency of the algorithm will be greatly affected. In addition, these algorithms can only be used to solve the two basic coloring problems: point coloring and edge coloring. For the reducible coloring with slightly complicated coloring conditions, these algorithms cannot be solved, so we need to find new algorithms to solve the problem of reducible coloring of graphs. In the published literature, only the relevant definitions are given, or some useful conclusions are given for special graphs such as star fan wheels. At present, there are no specific solutions to the problem, so this paper deals with four problems: vertex reducible edge coloring, vertex reducible total coloring, adjacent point reducible edge coloring and adjacent point reducible total coloring for random graphs (undirected simple connected graphs). The main research work in this paper is as follows: (1) the development process of graph theory and graph coloring is introduced. The purpose and significance of this paper are given. (2) the application of classical intelligent algorithms in graph coloring is introduced, and the advantages and disadvantages of these algorithms are analyzed. Four heuristic multi-objective optimization algorithms are designed to realize the problem of point-reducible edge coloring, point-reducible total coloring, adjacent point-reducible edge coloring and adjacent point-reducible total coloring respectively. The basic idea is to decompose the objective problem into several sub-problems, design the corresponding sub-constraint functions, and then iteratively adjust them according to these sub-constraint functions to solve each sub-problem step by step. Finally, all the vertices with the same degree in the graph have the same chromatic set, the total objective function is 0, the coloring is successful, and the algorithm ends. The basic idea of the adjacent point reducible coloring algorithm is to adjust the degree of the graph to the same degree and the adjacent vertices to the same chromatic set by iterating step by step. Firstly, the algorithm is described in detail. Secondly, four algorithms are tested, and some experimental results are given. Thirdly, the algorithm is analyzed in detail from three aspects: correctness, convergence (monotonicity, boundedness) and time complexity. Finally, four algorithms are summarized.
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