本文关键词: 最短路算法 矩阵消去算法 矩阵自定义运算 稀疏网络 K短路径算法 出处:《南京邮电大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:As a classical problem in graph theory and complex network, the shortest path problem appears in many aspects of daily life, such as communication network, transportation network, In the traveling Salesman problem. However, the solution to solve the shortest path problem is not uncommon. The most typical of them are the Dijkstra algorithm and the Floyd algorithm. However, the Dijkstra algorithm can only find the shortest path between the two designated nodes, and only the shortest path of the specified starting point can be obtained by the Dijkstra algorithm. And the Floyd algorithm is rather cumbersome. Most importantly, these algorithms can only solve the shortest path between two nodes. And in real life, we sometimes need to find two points short because of some given preconditions. According to the deficiency above, this paper proposes the shortest path optimization algorithm based on matrix operation. The main contents are as follows: 1. Aiming at the improvement of Ford algorithm, a matrix elimination algorithm with fixed starting point is proposed. By looking for a path from a fixed starting point to another vertex, which includes a step by step iteration through a vertex, a vertex, two vertices, etc. Find out the shortest path from the original point to the other vertices. 2. Give an improved algorithm based on the matrix custom operation. This algorithm is based on a custom matrix operation to find a path weight correction matrix representing the distance between each two nodes. Then the path weight correction matrix is compared with the original distance matrix, and the corresponding smaller elements in the two matrices are selected to form the current shortest path weight matrix. The shortest path between each vertex is obtained, and the algorithm is implemented by MATLAB. The algorithm is applied to random large-scale complex network. From the running time broken line graph, it can be seen that this algorithm has a large number of node points. The efficiency of the algorithm is especially high in sparse networks, which shows the effectiveness of the algorithm. Finally, the practicability of the algorithm is demonstrated by a real application scenario. Finally, by iterating the distance matrix and the path matrix, the algorithm is proved to be practical. Replace operation, constantly from a node to find its successor nodes, and by comparing the length of the path between the shortest path, the second short path, the gradual short path, A practical example is given to illustrate the practical value of the algorithm. Finally, in a practical example of a large network, the algorithm is simulated by MATLAB to obtain the shortest and the second shorter between specified vertices. The gradual short path shows that the algorithm can be applied to complex large scale random networks.
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