本文选题:随机系统 + LaSalle定理 ; 参考:《南京理工大学》2016年博士论文
[Abstract]:As an important part of nonlinear systems, nonlinear stochastic systems have been widely used in practical engineering fields, such as power systems, communication systems, and other practical engineering fields, because of their consideration of various environmental noises. In addition, the analysis of random systems is made due to the complexity of random interference. It is more difficult and more complex than control. Therefore, the study of stability analysis and controller design for nonlinear stochastic systems is a research subject with very important theoretical significance and practical application value. This paper is based on several kinds of important nonlinear stochastic systems, based on time-varying control method and adaptive control method. The stochastic LaSalle theorem, the stochastic Lyapunov-Krasovskii functional stability theory and the multi Lyapunov function technique are used to study the design of the feedback controller and the stability analysis. The effective control strategy is proposed and the new stability criteria are obtained. The main research work of this paper includes 1. for a class of unknown variables. The problem of state feedback control based on time-varying control method is studied. First, by introducing generalized weak positive definite function, the generalized form of LaSalle theorem is given. Secondly, the effect of time-varying method and non adaptive technology is taken to restrain the influence of uncertain growth rate, and the form of Backstepping is given. In the end, using the LaSalle theorem, it is proved that the closed loop system has a global unique solution and the solution process is almost bound to converge to zero.2. for a class of large-scale random high order upper triangular time-delay systems. The decentralized state feedback control problem is studied. Combined with the Backstepping method and the power integration technique, the design is designed. The decentralized feedback controller is distributed. Using the Lyapunov-Krasovskii stability theory, the stochastic global asymptotic stability of the closed loop system is proved. The simulation example shows that the effectiveness of the design method.3. is used to study the decentralized adaptive output feedback control problem for a class of large-scale nonlinear stochastic time-delay systems. First, the design of the decentralized adaptive output feedback control problem is designed. The filter is used to estimate the unmeasurable state, and on this basis, by using the Backstepping technology, the memory free virtual control signal and the actual controller are gradually designed. By introducing the four Lyapunov functions, the LaSalle theorem is used to prove that all the signals of the closed loop system are almost bound and the state of the system almost inevitably converges to zero. The simulation example verifies the effectiveness of the design method.4. to study the stability and global asymptotic stability of the noise input state of a nonlinear stochastic system with random pulses. The random noise considered has a finite two order moment, and the random pulse is a pulse floating by a random variable. First, the guarantee system is given. Based on this, a criterion for the stability and global asymptotic stability of the noise input state of this kind of system is proposed by means of the mean pulse interval method when the continuous dynamic is stable and the pulse sequence is stable. Then, when the continuous dynamic is unstable and the pulse sequence plays a stabilizing effect, the inverse mean is used. The sufficient conditions for the stability of the system noise input state and the global asymptotic stability are given by the pulse interval method. Finally, the stability problem of the switched random system with two order moment random processes is studied by the simulation example. First, the sufficient conditions for the system with a global unique solution are established. Secondly, the problem is given. The stability of the system noise input state is considered for a class of random switching signals. Then, the state stability and global asymptotic stability of the noise input state are studied by means of the mean standing time method. The existence of the solution and the stability determination rule of the system are given in the form of multiple Lyapunov functions. Finally, the simulation example is provided. The correctness of the theoretical results.6. is given to study the stability and tracking control of a stochastic Markoff jump system with two order moment random processes. Unlike the existing literature, the existence and uniqueness of the solution of the stochastic Markoff jump system are not given as a priori information, but are guaranteed by the general conditions. The Lyapunov function method is used to study the stability of the noise input state and the boundedness of the solution. Finally, the output tracking problem is studied with the help of the obtained conclusion. The design process of the state feedback tracking controller is given. It is proved that the output signal can asymptotically track the given reference signal, and the simulation results verify the proposed design. The effectiveness of the method is calculated.
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