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发布时间:2018-05-10 23:19

  本文选题:复杂网络 + 生物网络 ; 参考:《上海交通大学》2015年博士论文

[Abstract]:As a cross discipline, the basic theory of network science is permeating from mathematical science to life science, engineering science and even social science. The research of complex networks has aroused wide attention of scientists in different fields of the world. The understanding and understanding of the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of complex networks is the network age. An important and challenging task. As an important characteristic of complex networks, modular structure (or community structure) is an important and universal structural feature. It is of theoretical and practical significance to understand the evolution, structure and dynamics of complex networks. The organizational form of functional modules in complex biological networks is of great significance in the field of life science. Although many effective algorithms are proposed to analyze functional modules, such as the method based on graph theory, based on random walk model and spectral clustering method, these methods have some limitations on both the algorithm level and the biological network. In the face of these problems, we need to study and propose new functional module mining methods. In this paper, we mainly study how to excavate functional modules in the complex biological network and explore the functional modules of diversity. Firstly, we propose a kind of defects in the existing module analysis algorithm. The new similarity ISIM of any two nodes in the network is measured. Based on this new similarity and hierarchical clustering idea, the functional modules of the biological network are excavated, and the hierarchy of protein complexes and the multi-scale of functional blocks in biological networks are further revealed by the similarity of new nodes. We build a complete gene co expression network by fusion of multi condition gene coexpression data and analyze functional modules. Next, we break through the concept of modular structure as the only organizational form of functional units in a biological complex network, and a new functional module is found on the biological network. A two fork tree search method which can simultaneously excavate high aggregation and sparse function modules is proposed. Finally, some characteristics of the Bi-sparse module are deeply studied through statistical analysis of large-scale networks. Therefore, the research content and innovation points of this paper include the following aspects: (1) to be effective. In order to overcome the shortcomings of existing functional module mining methods, we use the restricted random walk model and propose a new transfer probability matrix, and then define a new node similarity ISIM to measure the distance between any two nodes in the network. The new node similarity has three good properties, one is that it can successfully fuse the network. The two is that the new node similarity can not only effectively measure the distance between the two nodes, but also capture the topology of the two nodes in the network; three is that it is in a convergent space to define the node similarity. Therefore, it is good in a series of incomplete and noisy biological networks. Stability and robustness. Using the new node similarity and hierarchical clustering idea, we can effectively analyze the functional modules in the biological complex network. First, we use the new node similarity to generate the similarity matrix of the network. Then, we use the hierarchical clustering idea to establish the tree structure of the network module. Finally, select the reasonable target function self. In this paper, a new method (isimb method) is proposed to reveal the multi-scale characteristics of the hierarchical structure and functional modules of the protein complex in the biological network. Compared with the existing module mining methods, the new node similarity is based on the new node similarity. The method is a non parametric method, it can automatically determine the number of modules in the network. The modules used to use it not only get better matching with the real functional module structure, but also can effectively overcome the defects of the incompleteness of the biological network. Compared with the single scale method, this paper innovatively introduces the concept of multi scale module to the module. To the mining of protein complexes and functional modules in biological networks, this new concept can not only successfully predict protein complex and its hierarchical characteristics, but also reveal the dynamic process of functional modules from a specific to general perspective. (2) this paper proposes that the incompleteness of the biological network and the non transmissibility of gene Co expression are proposed in this paper. A new method is used to detect the functional modules in the gene co expression network. This method first constructs a complete gene coexpression network with the gene coexpression data under different conditions, and then uses the maximum group algorithm to mine the functional modules in the network. This new method has a strong biological function compared with other methods. Similarity. Through the analysis of transcriptional and regulatory relationships, it is predicted that the high probability of genes in functional modules is regulated by the same transcription factor, thus providing rich results for the construction of gene regulation network. (3) the mining of functional modules in traditional biological networks is the only form of functional module organization based on the modular structure of high cohesion. However, this conclusion is doubtful in biological networks, especially in the protein interaction network. Therefore, we find a Bi-Sparse module different from the high aggregation module, and then combine the two forked tree theory and the matrix theory to propose a new method (BTS method) to mine the two types of functional modules.Bts method in the protein. The high aggregation modules and Bi-Sparse modules, which are excavated in the mass interaction network, make up functional units. Compared with other methods, the BTS method has good performance: first, it does not need to set the number of modules in advance; two the high aggregation module and the Bi-sparse module of the mining have significant biological function similarity. (4) we have high aggregation. Modules and Bi-sparse modules coexist in the same network as the organizational form of functional units. This concept is generalized. We collate four types of 25 networks and analyze the modules in the 25 networks by BTS method. The result is that (a) Bi-sparse module is universal; (b) in the social network, people in the Bi-sparse module are filled. In the role of broker, it is responsible for coordinating the contradictions among different groups and promoting the communication of information, technology and knowledge; in the computer software network, the nodes in the Bi-sparse module have similar software package properties; in the complex biological network, the protein or gene in the Bi-sparse module has significant functional similarity; (c) Bi-sparse modules in complex networks have some characteristics: first, compared to the Bi-sparse module and the high aggregation module, the Bi-sparse module contains less nodes; two, the Bi-sparse module has a certain preference in different types of networks; finally, there are two distinct topological structures in the Bi-sparse module in the complex network.



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