本文选题:登革热模型 + 免疫接种和W ; 参考:《新疆大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:In recent years, the research on how to control vector infectious diseases has been widely concerned by scholars at home and abroad. In this paper, the effects of vaccination and vector control on the elimination and prevalence of the disease were discussed in detail, focusing on several kinds of vaccination control strategies and Wolbachia controlled vector infectious disease dynamics models. The main content can be summarized as follows: 1. In the first part (corresponding to section II), a mathematical model for the transmission of dengue virus between humans and mosquitoes with incubation delay and immunization is established. The non-negative and boundedness of the solution of the epidemic model are discussed. The existence of disease-free equilibrium and endemic equilibrium, the global attractiveness of disease-free equilibrium and so on. Furthermore, the optimal control strategy of the disease is obtained by using Ponteriagin maximum principle and other methods. Finally, the numerical simulation verifies the correctness of the theoretical results and the feasibility of immunization. In the second part (corresponding to the third section), a mathematical model of dengue fever with incubation delay and immune inoculation is established. By means of comparison principle of ordinary differential equation, linear approximation and Ponterriaquin maximum principle, etc. The criteria for determining the global attractiveness of the disease-free equilibrium solution and the existence of the endemic equilibrium solution, and the optimal control strategy for the disease are established. The sensitivity of the model parameters and the existence of backward bifurcation are discussed. Numerical simulation verifies the correctness of the theoretical results and the effectiveness of the control method. Part III (corresponding to section IV), taking into account the apparent seasonal volatility of mosquito populations, a dynamic model for the transmission of dengue virus between humans and mosquitoes with seasonal fluctuations and with Wolbachia vector control, The criteria for the stability of disease-free periodic solutions and the existence of endemic periodic solutions are established. Numerical simulation verifies the correctness of the theoretical results and the feasibility of the control strategy. Both theoretical results and numerical simulations show that Wolbachia vector control can effectively contain the spread of dengue virus. 4. Part IV (corresponding to section V), a kinetic model for the transmission of dengue virus between humans and mosquitoes with seasonal effects and pulsed delivery of Wolbachia virus mosquitoes is established, taking into account the effect of pulse control on the transmission of dengue virus. Sufficient conditions for disease elimination and persistence were determined.
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