[Abstract]:The main purpose of this paper is to construct a method to analyze the multi-stability dynamic behavior of scalar delay differential equations (?) (t)? -g (x (t) f (x (t- 蟿). Based on the domain decomposition method, monotone dynamical system and one-dimensional mapping analysis method, the positive invariant region and the attraction basin of half-flow are estimated. At the same time, the global dynamic behavior of Allee-Type model is proved in detail. In particular, the existence of Hopf bifurcation and heteroclinic orbit is proved (including two kinds of heteroclinic orbits: one is from one equilibrium point to the other equilibrium point, the other is from one equilibrium point to the periodic orbit around the maximum positive equilibrium point). Finally, an example of numerical simulation is given to verify the general conclusion of this paper. The full text consists of four parts. In the first chapter, we briefly introduce the time-delay system, and then summarize the background of the model and the main contents of our research. In the second chapter, we give the basic definition and the explanation of background theory. In chapter 3, we study the multiple stability properties of equilibrium points on invariant intervals of the model (?) (t) + -g (x (t) f (x (t- 蟿). In chapter 4, we study the multiple stability of Allee-Type model in detail. In particular, the existence of periodic orbits from one equilibrium point to another equilibrium point or to the maximum equilibrium point is proved. At the same time, an example of numerical simulation is given to illustrate the main conclusions of this paper.
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