[Abstract]:Fractal phenomenon is ubiquitous in nature. It has been widely used in mathematics, chemistry, physics, biology, geology, economics and other fields. Julia and Mandelbrot sets are two classical fractal sets produced by complex system in fractal theory. It has been widely studied in control theory, image processing, topology analysis, characteristic analysis, disturbance analysis and so on. In this paper, the fractal characteristics and control problems of M-J sets of a real system are studied theoretically, and then the theoretical results are applied to the control of the growth of marine algae cells. At the same time, fractal theory is used to predict and analyze the global warming problem. The specific work of this paper is as follows: 1. The fractal characteristics and synchronization of a class of generalized Logistic mappings are discussed. The M-J sets of a class of two-dimensional generalized Logistic real mappings are discussed. The fractal dimension of the mapping Julia set is calculated by using the box dimension method. When the fixed point of the system is easy to be obtained, the control of the Julia set of the system is realized by using the linear feedback control method. Because of the complexity of the nonlinear system, the fixed point of the system is often difficult to find. At this time, the control of the Julia set of the system is realized by using the scaling control method. According to the definition of Julia set synchronization of two systems, the synchronization of Julia set and Mandelbrot set of two real systems with different parameters is realized by nonlinear coupled control method and gradient control method respectively. Fractal characteristics in the growth process of Syringomonas annulata and Prorocentrum dentate cells were introduced into the cell growth model of P.annulata and P. odontoides. The fractal properties of M-J set of the generalized Logistic real map were discussed. The set of initial density and the set of environmental factors interfering with the growth of Hyphoderma annulata and Prorocentrum dentate were constructed. The optimal control method and mathematical transformation method were used to achieve the effect of making the cells grow according to the predefined growth target of H. annulata and P. odontoides. In addition, by nonlinear coupling method, the approximate or identical behaviors of two different sets of cell densities of Heterococcus annulata and Prorocentrum odontoides were obtained, respectively, and the set of factors that interfered with the environmental factors of the growth of the cells of Heterocentrum annularis and P. odontoides were obtained. Fractal analysis and prediction of global warming using a packed Julia set of space complex dynamic systems to depict the melting process of Arctic glaciers with temperature parameters; at the same time, The filling Julia set of the plane complex dynamic system is used to describe the process of the continuous change of the island and ice area with the change of temperature parameters, the fractal dimension of the island and the ice layer is calculated by using the box dimension method, and the islands are established. The relationship between ice area, fractal dimension and temperature parameters, so as to predict the decrease of land area caused by sea level rise in the future.
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