[Abstract]:Stochastic ordinary differential equations have been widely used in the fields of financial system, quantity economy, control system, system biology and so on. Because of the complexity of the stochastic system itself, it is difficult to obtain the explicit expression of the analytic solution of the equation in general. Therefore, it is necessary to study the numerical method of stochastic ordinary differential equation. In this paper, the numerical methods of stochastic ordinary differential equations are studied. The split step two-step Maruyama method, the fully implicit two-step Maruyama method and the fully implicit two-step Milstein method are proposed, and the mean square compatibility of the corresponding numerical methods is analyzed respectively. Mean square convergence and mean square linear stability. In addition, a two-step Maruyama method for solving stochastic ordinary differential equations with Poisson hopping is presented. The mean square compatibility, mean square convergence and mean square linear stability of the algorithm are analyzed. In the first chapter, the basic theory of stochastic ordinary differential equation is introduced, and the development history and research status of numerical solution of stochastic ordinary differential equation are briefly reviewed, and the main contents and results of this paper are explained. In the second chapter, we briefly introduce some basic knowledge of probability theory, the basic concepts of stochastic process and stochastic integral, and the relevant conclusions of Ito formula and Ito-Taylor expansion. In chapter 3, a split step two-step Maruyama method for solving stochastic ordinary differential equations is presented. The mean square compatibility, mean square convergence and mean square linear stability of the method are analyzed. The mean square linear stability regions of split step two step Adarms-Bashforth Maruya-ma method and split step two step Adarms-Moulton Maruyama method are given, and the theoretical results of mean square convergence and mean square stability of the algorithm are verified by numerical examples. In chapter 4, a fully implicit two-step Maruyama method for solving stochastic ordinary differential equations is presented. The mean square compatibility, mean square convergence and mean square linear stability are analyzed. The mean square linear stability regions of the fully implicit two-step Adams-Bashforth Maruyama method and the fully implicit two-step Adams-Moulton Maruyama method are given. Finally, the mean square convergence and mean square stability of the algorithm are verified by numerical examples. In chapter 5, a fully implicit two-step Milstein method for solving stochastic ordinary differential equations is presented. The mean square compatibility, mean square convergence and mean square linear stability of the method are analyzed. The mean square linear stability regions of the fully implicit two-step Adams-Bashforth Milstein method and the fully implicit two-step Adams-Moulton Milstein method are given. Numerical examples show that the theoretical results are correct. In chapter 6, a two-step Maruyama method for solving stochastic ordinary differential equations with Poisson hopping is presented. The mean square compatibility, mean square convergence and mean square linear stability of the method are analyzed. The mean square linear stability region of two step Adams-Bashforth Maruya-ma and two step Adams-Moulton Maruyama methods is studied. Finally, a numerical example is given to verify the theoretical results of the mean square convergence and mean square stability of the algorithm.
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