[Abstract]:In the online social network platform, the diversity of the behavior and activities of the information subject, on the one hand, makes the relationship between the agents become complex, on the other hand, it also promotes the dissemination and diffusion of information. Based on the theory of complex network, this paper aims to extract the social relationship network and behavioral relationship network between the information subjects from the massive social network data, and establish its complex network model. On the basis of this, the kernel-edge structure of the network is studied from the view of single-layer network and multi-layer network, and it is applied to identify the role of core nodes in behavior activities. Network core-edge structure detection and its application will help to provide higher quality information services and generate more social and economic value. This paper mainly includes the following two aspects: 1) complex network modeling and analysis based on Sina Weibo data. After extracting and preprocessing Weibo data from crawling, Weibo event forwarding network and its corresponding user relationship network accord with the characteristics of multi-layer network. In this paper, the characteristics of network structure and the core-edge structure of the network are studied from the point of view of single-layer and multi-layer networks. This paper studies the relevance and temporal evolution mechanism of user behavior activities involved in forwarding in different types of event forwarding processes. By studying the behavior relationship between the participating forwarding users in multilayer network, we are familiar with the characteristics of Weibo event forwarding process, including analyzing the distribution of forwarding network degree, the evolution trend of network with time, and the change of network structure. Correlation between event forwarding network and corresponding user relationship network. Through the above research, we can better understand the characteristics of social network structure, the behavior patterns among information agents and the interaction between them. 2) based on the data of Sina Weibo, the detection algorithm of core edge structure of network is analyzed. In the multi-relational social network system, we first try to use different node-centered methods to analyze the behavior of social network information subject and its corresponding social network, including degree centrality, proximity centrality and k-shell centrality. Combined with the basic characteristics of social networks, this paper tries to use appropriate methods to detect the core-edge structure of multilayer social networks and to understand the limitations of different methods. The experimental results show that the kernel-edge structure detection algorithm based on kernel layer decomposition can effectively determine the core-edge structure, and it is also more effective in the recognition of core nodes in most cases.
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