[Abstract]:The traditional identification method of SVAR model involves more equality constraints, that is, by imposing strict equality constraints on the structural parameters or impulse response functions in the model, the identification and estimation of the model parameters can be realized. Symbolic constraint can effectively avoid the lack of theoretical foundation by transforming the background of economic theory into prior information and constraining the relations among variables by means of inequality. With the deepening of economic and social reform, the variable-covariance matrix of variables and disturbance terms in the model changes with time, showing obvious time-varying characteristics. Fixed parameters can not effectively describe the dynamic relationship in economic operation, and the advantage of time-varying stochastic fluctuation SVAR model is increasingly prominent. An important feature of Bayesian estimation is the combination of prior information and sample information, and the posterior distribution of parameters is obtained by using Bayesian theorem to determine the final estimation value. The accuracy and reliability of parameter estimation are greatly improved. Based on this, this paper systematically describes the establishment of TVP-SV-SVAR model and Bayesian estimation process, applies it to the quantitative study of the effectiveness of monetary policy in China, and discusses the Sign-SVAR, model. The effects of TVP-SVAR and TVP-SV-SVAR models were compared and analyzed. The empirical results further show that the SVAR model with symbolic constraints and time-varying stochastic fluctuations based on Bayesian estimation method has more advantages in the investigation and analysis of macroeconomic policy problems.
【作者单位】: 中央财经大学统计与数学学院;中央财经大学金融学院;中国社会科学院世界经济与政治研究所《世界经济》编辑部;
【基金】:国家社会科学基金重大项目“‘互联网+’推动经济转型机理与对策研究”(15ZDC024) 国家自然科学基金面上项目“货币总量转向信用总量:全球虚拟经济与实体经济背离机理与宏观政策应对”(71473279)资助
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