[Abstract]:In the current environment, complexity science is the focus of research. The theory based on ideal condition or single particle can no longer satisfy the research and application of modern science and technology. Therefore, the study of complex networks is an important direction. Complex network is a graph with a large number of nodes and edges. It is an abstract description of the heterogeneity of complex systems in reality. The research of complex network is to study the influence of various properties of network, such as degree distribution, clustering coefficient, mesoscopic number, on the dynamics of network, such as propagation, routing, diffusion and so on. This paper chooses to study the transmission process and routing strategy on the network. In this paper, we study the relationship between the routing strategy of packet delivery and the nature of network structure. In this paper, a mathematical model for packet transmission over the network is established and analyzed, and the parameters describing the transmission process, such as the average queue length L of the node, the average transmission time T of the packet, and the transmission capacity Rc, are obtained. We prove that the upper bound of the transmission capacity of the network is RcG 魏, where C is the number of packets processed per time step per node, and 魏 is the average degree. Our results can also be described by the intermediate number of shortest path routes. Next, we propose a two-random routing strategy, which can be implemented only by local information and some simple communication. By simulation, we find that compared with the general local information static routing, dual random routing can improve the transmission capacity of Rc, but not all networks. Finally, we discuss the mathematical nature of the double random routing strategy and the iterative process of constructing the double random matrix. From the point of view of the graph structure in the network, we find that the iterative process converges when the graph h independent nodes are only connected to the other 9 nodes (hg) does not exist. When such a pattern exists, the iteration does not converge. The existence of this graph is related to two factors. Convergence of higher order moments of network degree distribution. 2. The probability of the existence of a node with a moderate degree of 1 in the network. The simulation results support this theory, and we prove theoretically that there is a phase transition for the BA network when the average degree is 8.
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