本文选题:环境伦理 + 善 ; 参考:《南京林业大学学报(人文社会科学版)》2016年02期
[Abstract]:Paul Taylor's theory of life center is the representative of the moral theory of contemporary environmental ethics. However, at the value level, the position of life-centered theory is ambiguous. While acknowledging the subjectivity of value, Taylor tries to achieve the objectivity of "moral consideration" through the concept of "the good of the entity itself", which expands into the elucidation of the concept of "intrinsic worth" which is consistent among the subjects. Furthermore, Taylor's "good of the entity itself" points to the "true good" of the entity rather than its "apparent goodness". In this way, this kind of deontic "good" is universal and inevitable to all rational subjects. Although Taylor's theory of value had a craftsmanship, he could not get rid of the tension between the real and the supposed. With regard to Taylor's criterion proposition of "entity with its own goodness", this paper points out that the proposition does not depend on its true value, but only points to its meaning. In particular, the judgment of whether the entity has its own goodness does not lie in the logical validity between the propositions, but in the nature of the subject itself. This idea of internal and external expectations in the presupposition is Kant-style. Therefore, in the functional framework of ethics, Taylor's "inherent worth" is only a restatement of the value of deontics, and the irreplaceable nature of merit also provides the ontological basis for the individualism moral practice of non-resultivism. In order to satisfy the inherent requirement of universal necessity, Taylor's connotation of "supreme value" points not to the value as the ultimate aim, but to the value which is the basis of all other possible values. However, the essential connotation of "good", which is the basis of universal necessity, is only an empirical analysis of all life forms, and converges on the satisfaction of physiological needs at its basic level, thus inevitably bearing the color of naturalism. In this way, Taylor's theory of value shows the dilemma of the dichotomy of fact and value in modern ethics, but Taylor's exposition on the dimension of inherent worth beyond the "good" as a reality is not sufficient.
【作者单位】: 复旦大学哲学学院;
【基金】:国家社会科学基金青年项目“应对生物入侵的环境伦理研究”(15CZX058) 中国博士后科学基金一等资助项目(2015M570332)
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