本文选题:媒体报道 + 泛道德 ; 参考:《西南交通大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:In the current social transition period, the contradiction highlights, some social fields do exist the phenomenon of moral anomie, the media itself bears the social responsibility of criticizing the dark reality and stirring up the society. However, when some news events arouse social concern, the media is used to stand at the height of moral control, simply resort to moral indignation and emotional criticism, and moral evaluation transcends the bounds of morality in the report, and is infinitely elevated. Just as in the past, people believed in the criteria of "non-Ma Jinxiu" and "surnamed social and surnamed assets", which led to the generalization of ideology, some media believed in the moral standard of "good or evil", and made only moral judgments on all social phenomena. This leads to the generalization of morality. This kind of pan-moral tendency not only makes the news events can not be interpreted objectively and comprehensively, but also has a negative demonstration effect on the psychology and behavior of the audience. Based on the concern and consideration of the above issues, the pan-moral tendency in media reports has entered the author's research line of sight. On the basis of combing the concept of "pan-morality", this paper distinguishes the characteristics of pan-morality: it transcends the scope and boundary of morality, and within the scope of morality, it does not distinguish the level of morality. Pan-moral problems mainly lie in the offside and expansion of moral evaluation and moral criticism. In examining the "moral criticism" created by the media, it is found that the crossing and expansion of morality will lead to the following harm: inducing irrational emotions to vent, breeding hypocrisy and violence, eroding social trust and causing greater moral trauma; The reporting perspective is narrow and the underlying causes of the events are obscured. Pan-moral tendency in Chinese traditional culture, media and audience are the important reasons for the occurrence of pan-morality. At the end of the article, the author thinks about how to get out of the misconception of media report from the angle of media, audience and society. The ultimate intention of this paper is to make use of the topic of pan-moral tendency in the media report to arouse people to think about how morality should be properly positioned in the current Chinese society ruled by law.
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