发布时间:2016-11-24 13:16
2009-7-11 11:36:24 来源:
Business Ethic Spirit and the Development of Non-public Enterprise
论文单位新疆大学,点击次数19,论文页数61页File Size2710k
business ethic spirit,development of non-public enterprise,construction of the norms
伦理道德自古以来就是维系各种关系和组织机构的必要因素,但是受西方主流经济学以及市场经济趋利本性的影响,我国的非公有制经济自改革开放以来一方面得到迅猛发展,另一方面利益失衡、责任失控、经济失信等伦理问题日益凸显出来。非公有制企业在追求利润最大化的同时,无视道德约束,重利轻义,义利统一的价值理想被一些非公有制企业组织所遗忘,从而导致了企业与市场发展的社会环境受到严重侵害。非公有制企业违法违规和违背社会伦理的经济案件时有发生,这不仅使非公有制企业自身陷入了困境,而且直接引发了社会动荡和政治不安定。因此,非公有制经济与伦理道德、义与利如何在社会主义市场经济条件下得到应有的统一,如何塑造既适应市场经济的本质要求,又能维系非公有制企业健康、长久地发展的企业伦理精神在当今则显得尤为重要。 本论文旨在通过对传统经济学研究范式的伦理追问和企业性质的反思,运用唯物辨证法、实证调查法、多学科综合法系统地分析了伦理和谐与企业发展的关系,针对我国非公有制企业的道德现状提出了非公有制企业应有的伦理精神和具体的道德准则,以便为非公有制企业的谋利行为进行一种道义上的自觉规范,使非公有制企业的自主经营不至于陷入混乱无序的状态。 本论文分三部分: 论文的第一部分着重论述了企业伦理精神与企业发展的关系,,系统提出并论证了企业伦理精神对企业长久、健康的发展有着不可替代的作用。企业伦理是指企业在经济活动中完善企业员工素质和调节企业内外部关系的善恶价值取向以及在调节企业内外部关系时所应遵循的职业原则和道德规范。在很长一段时间里,西方主流经济学顽固地站在经济人假设的基础上,高举利润最大化的大旗,偏执地固守在经济与道德不相容,人不能同时既是“经济人”又是“道德人”的困境中,反对经济对伦理的关注。然而在市场社会里,由于企业原生的协作性,由于市场经济的伦理二重性,决定了企业是由内外利益相关人组成的利益集合体,是通过服务于他人、社会来实现自身利益的价值创造体。经济性与伦理性相辅相成乃是企业的本质所在,经济与道德的同步发展乃是企业成长的内在约束。企业伦理精神是企业在一定的社会经济环境下,为谋求自身生存和发展在长期的生产经营活动过程中,结合企业个性特征由企业领导者倡导力行而逐渐培养和自觉形成的并为绝大多数员工认同和信守的一种主导性群体道德意识。这种群体性道德意识是企业发展目标、信念追求、价值标准和行为取向的集中体现,是企业具体伦理规范和准则的一般性本质规定。根据社会主义市场经济的特点和要求,企业在生产、交换、分配、消费四个环节中应具有如下伦理精神:敬业、诚信、公正、节俭。最后,笔者认为,企业作为市场经济的主要行为主体,既是经济实体,又是伦理实体。伦理精神作为企业具体伦理规范和准则的本质概括,对企业在一定阶段内的经营方式和管理行为起着维系和巩固的作用并贯穿于企业成长。发展、壮大的整个过程,企业的发展离不开伦理精神的支持。当今,党中央提出了“以德治国”的方略,企业伦理建设无疑具有重大的现实意义。 论文的第二部分从我国非公有制企业目前的道德现状出发,分析了非公有制企业在发展过程中出现的主要道德问题及成因,得出的结论是:非公有制企业谋利的天性必须制约。我国的非公有制企业自改革开放以来,特别是“十五大”把非公有制经济确立为社会主义市场经济重要组成部分以来得到迅猛发展,非公有制经济在整个国民经济中占了相当的比重,非公有制企业在实现充分就业、促进经济增长、培育市场主体、促进市场发展等方面发挥了巨大作用。同时,我们也看到山于非公有制企业长期游离于计划体制之外,摆脱了像国有企业那样的计划和行政约束,追求自我利益的机制得以强化,因而在其发展过程中出现了道德失控现象。主要表现在道德意识低下、外部利益失衡导致的不规范谋利行为、责任意识谈漠、经济失信等。之所以会出现这些败德行为,笔者认为主要是因为目前我国经济社会正处于急速的转型期,在这个激烈震荡中,原有的公共信念轰毁了,新的公共信念还没有建立,与新体制相适应的法律制度和法律秩序不可能在短期建立和完善起来。受市场经济趋利本性的影响,非公有制企业容易出现忽视乃至损害社会和他人的利益,有悻于正常的企业伦理道德原则的行为和问题。 且互 论文的第三部分是重点。通过第一、二部分的分析得出的结论是:第一,企业伦理精神对企业的长远发展有着不可替代的作用,企业伦理精神与企业的发展呈正相关的关系。第二,非公有制企业谋利的天性必须制约,塑造非公有制企业伦理精神迫在眉捷。那么如何塑造既符合市场经济本质要求,又能为不同道德认知及实践主体所接受的企业伦理精神和具体道德规范则显得尤为重要。 论文首先指出利义关系是我国非公有制企业伦理的基本问题,把义与利辩证、有机地统一起来的义利共生论是非公有?
Ethic and morality has been the essential factor to maintain different relations and organizations since ancient times. However, influenced by the west major economics and natural instinct of market economy, the non-public economy of our country has got swift and violent development since reform and opening-up on one hand, on the other hand, ethical problems such as interests out of balance, responsibility out of control, economy credit loss are prominent to come out day and day. Non-public enterprises, while persueing their maximal profits, lay emphasis only on huge profit and ignore morals restrain and righteousness. The value ideal achieving the unity between righteousness and benefit has been forgotten by some non-public enterprises, thus the social environment of enterprise and market development are made to be encroached seriously. The economic cases of non-public enterprises illegal violation of social economical laws, rules and ethics take place occasionally. This not only makes non-public enterprises get themselves into a difficult position, but also cause social turbulence and political unstability directly. Nowadays, it seems particularly important that how to get the due unity of non-public economy and ethic, righteousness and benefit under the socialist market economy condition, how to mould enterprise ethic spirit that ont only meets the needs of essence of market economy but also maintains healthy and permanent development of non-public enterprises.This thesis aims to analyze the relation between ethic harmony and enterprises" development through closely questioning ethics of research model of traditional economics and introspecting the nature of enterprises, using material dialetics, positivism investigation method and inter-disciplinary comprehensive methods, and puts forward non-public enterprises due ethic spirit and concrete morals criterion forour country"s non-public enterprises current morals situation in order to carry on conscious standard for benefit-seeking behavior, in case the independent management of non-public enterprise be unlikely to fall into the confused and unordered state.This thesis is devided into three parts.Part One expounds the relationship between enterprise ethic spirit and enterprise development, proposes and proves the enterprises ethic spirit"s irreplaceable function for its permanent and healthy development. Enterprise ethic means value orientation of both good and evil by which enterprises perfect their staff"s quality, regulate the relation inside and outside, it also means vocational principles and the ethic norms that enterprise should follow when they regulate internal and external relations. For a long time, western major economics has obstinately stood at the foundation of supposed "economic people", held the big flag of maximizing profit, fall into difficult position bigotedly and obstinately that economy is incompatible with morals, people can"t be both "economic people" and "moral people" at the same time, and has objected to the economy concern about ethic. However, in the market society, enterprise"s inborn cooperation and the ethical duality of market economy determine that enterprises are the interests aggregate made up of relevant people of internal and external interests and value producing entities that realize its interests through serving others. It is the essence of enterprises to complement economy and ethics each other, and economy and ethical synchronous development are the inherent restraint that enterprises grow up. Enterprise ethic spirit is a kind of leading and colony moral consciousness, which under certain social economic environment, in order to seek enterprise survives and develops, in the course of long-term production and operating activities, combine with their individual characteristic, advocated and practised by their leaders, fostered gradually, formed consciously, admitted and abided by most of the staff. The colony moral consciousness is the concentrated reflection about enterprises development goal, faith