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     2009-7-17 21:07:07     来源:     

On Marital Ethical Thoughts of Liji
论文单位西北师范大学,点击次数0,论文页数130页File Size6730k
LiJi; marriage; bearing-children; forbidden-marriage-of-the-same-surname; non-self-master; marital duty; marital aim
婚姻伦理道德在传统儒家伦理思想中占据着一个非常重要的地位,并且具有丰富的价值内涵和鲜明的民族特征。而在诸多具有元典意义的古文献中,正是《礼记》首次系统、全面地从价值取向、价值判断以及价值目标等的维度诠释了婚姻基本方面的问题。其理论涵盖面广泛,思想内容详实具体。既体现了儒家现实主义的婚姻观——维护宗法等级制度的精神实质,又在一定程度上表达了他们一以贯之的道德理想主义的价值取向。 对于婚姻伦理道德规范的存在合法性,《礼记》主要是从儒家对人性的本质规定和天道与人道的关系两方面加以论证的。虽然《礼记》中也有道德乃“出于社会安治需要”的较为合理的观点,但是在总体上却仍然没有偏离儒家传统中人性为道德本源的根本性价值取向。同时,儒家又用宇宙自然的“天道”去解释“人道”,印证社会人伦秩序的合理、合法性,这种“天人合一”思想是婚姻伦理规范中夫妻地位尊卑、贵贱不同的形上依据。这样儒家一方面以人性的需要作为婚姻伦理道德的根源,另一方面则把“天”作为夫妻伦理关系的终极性背靠。 《礼记》婚姻伦理的核心理念在于“广继嗣”,这是由宗法社会以血缘为纽带的本质所决定的。“广继嗣”的婚姻理念贯穿于婚姻伦理规范的始终,以此为前提直接产生了宗法性的婚姻原则——“同姓不婚”;主导儿千年封建婚姻伦理之始终的根本原则——“非自主性”;夫妻共同的婚姻家庭义务“孝”的形上与形下两个层面的要求;以及夫妻之间权利义务的单向度性发展倾向等等;充分体现了《礼记》婚姻伦理宗法性与现实性相统一的精神特征。 《礼记》婚姻伦理道德的终极性目的包含两方面内容:婚姻幸福的个体性目的与“国家理治”的社会性目的。个体性目的是以婚姻主体追求道德上的完善为主要内容,其中也包含着生活境遇等诸多现实性的社会内容。而婚姻伦理道德的社会性目的则又包含理想性与现实性两个维度,从现实之维来看,婚姻伦理往往显现出一种约束性本质;而从理想之维出发,婚姻伦理又表现了一种主体性的功能。由此,《礼记》所体现的儒家婚姻伦理思想无论是在婚姻伦理道德的存在根据方面,还是在其追求的终极性目的层面,都存在着理想与现实、经验与超验、个体与社会之间的某种紧张。这些从一个侧面反映了春秋战国时期伦理道德意识的过渡性特征。
China marital ethics, which is rich valuable content and distinct national characters, occupies a very important role in traditional ethical thoughts. Among all the original classical works, it is that firstly systematically annotated fundamental issues of marital field. Not only does widely and detailed content mirrors Confucian marital view, but also expresses the spiritual essence that Confucian uphold patriarch systemMaking use of two theories, man natural theory and "Turn Ren He Yi" thoughts, gives marital ethical norms a legal proof. Although there is more reasonable view that moral stems from need of social security such as <YUEJI>, totally speaking, it don"t deviate from Confucian basic trend. Namely only man nature is moral origin. Meanwhile, explained "Ren Dao" by natural "Tian Dao" prove its rationality and legality, which provide meta-physical base for conjugal different marital status.Owe to the essence that patriarchal society regards consanguinity as ties, "Bearing Children" becomes a core idea, which passes through traditional marital ethical norms from begin to end. Consequently, there exist two major marital principals as follows: "forbidden marriage of the same surname" and "non-self-master". What" s more, it also decides conjugal joint duty-filial piety.Ultimate aim of marital ethics includes individual and social aspects, the former thinks individual moral perfect as its main content, sometimes involving some concrete life circumstances; the latter can be divided into ideal and reality trends. Seen from reality aspect, marital ethics appears disciplining feature; ideally while is subjectivity. Therefore, whatever marital ethical base or ultimate aim remains some tension; it indirectly reflects transitional character of ethical thoughts during a turbulent period.





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