本文关键词:近十年来国内批判性思维研究及其教学反思 出处:《华东师范大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
更多相关文章: 批判性思维 逻辑思维 创新思维 逻辑学 教学
【摘要】:20世纪70年代,在北美兴起一股教育改革和逻辑学教学改革的新浪潮——批判思维运动。批判性思维(critical thinking),近年来在中国传播开来,越来越多的学者开始关注并讨论这一新术语。然鉴于批判性思维作为一种思维方式没有学科界限,其涉及哲学、教育、心理、医学等多学科,因此存在不同层面的定义。现今,在我国通行的定义是批判性思维专家罗伯特·恩尼斯给出的定义即批判性思维是聚焦于决定相信什么或做什么的合理的、反省的思维;故而我们需要针对批判性思维的精神特质,结合国内外研究现状,给出批判性思维更为清晰严密且可操作性的定义。同时,批判性思维作为一种与人类理性的其他思维方式有着密切联系的思维方式,我们有必要理清其与其它思维方式的关系,尤其是与逻辑思维与创新思维的关系。除此之外,批判性思维作为一种在现实社会生产生活中有着巨大现实作用的应用性思维,对其教学、普及状况的述评研究也是非常重要的。进一步而言,针对国内较为落后的教学、研究现状,为推进批判性思维教育的发展,我们有必要理清批判性思维与逻辑学的关系并探讨当今中国批判性思维与素质教育和逻辑学课程改革的关系,对当前国内批判性思维教学进行反思。
[Abstract]:In 1970s, the rise of a new wave of educational reform and the reform of logic teaching: critical thinking critical thinking movement in North America. (critical thinking) in recent years, from the China spread, more and more scholars began to pay attention to and discuss this new term. However, in view of critical thinking as a way of thinking no disciplinary boundaries, which involves philosophy, education, psychology, medicine and other disciplines, so there are different definitions of level. Nowadays, in our country's current definition is the definition of critical thinking expert Robert Ennis given that critical thinking is focused on deciding what to believe or do what is reasonable, reflective thinking; therefore we need for the spirit of critical thinking and the research status at home and abroad, gives the critical thinking is more strict and clear operational definition. At the same time, as a kind of critical thinking There is a close relation between the way of thinking and other ways of thinking of human reason, it is necessary for us to clarify its relationship with other ways of thinking, especially the relationship with logical thinking and creative thinking. In addition, critical thinking is a kind of social production in reality has a huge role in the realistic thinking of life. The review of the status of teaching, popularity is also very important. Furthermore, aiming at the backward teaching, research status, to promote the development of critical thinking education, it is necessary for us to clarify the relationship between critical thinking and logic and to explore the relationship between the China critical thinking and logic of quality education and curriculum reform, to reflect the domestic critical thinking teaching at present.
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