本文选题:李约瑟 切入点:李约瑟难题 出处:《南京大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:"(1) Why was Chinese civilization more productive than Western civilization in acquiring natural knowledge and applying it to the practical needs of human beings during the period from 1th century BC to 15th century AD? Why did modern science develop only in European civilization, but not in Chinese civilization? "these two questions are regarded as the normative expression of the Needham problem, which was first raised in 0th century, Scholars from different fields have given their own analysis and answer to this question from different subject perspectives. The main work of this paper is from the angle of Chinese logic tradition. Answer the two aspects of the "problem" separately. First, Einstein made it clear that "the development of Western science is based on two great achievements," They are: the formal logic system invented by Greek philosophers (in Euclidean geometry) and the discovery (in the Renaissance) that a causal relationship may be found through systematic experiments. The article in Psychology and Scientific thought in the West says: "in general, Experiences such as Greek deductive geometry and formal logic are relatively rare in Chinese thinking. That is, Chinese logic tradition has not formed a complete formal logic system and inductive logic. The lack of Chinese logic tradition is "necessary" for the birth of modern science. People tend to ignore the first question of the "difficult problem" and think that the second question is the core of the question, and the answer to the first question is unnecessary. But it is based on the first question. As an integral part of the "puzzle," the answer to this question is also necessary... so why "from 1th century to 15th century, Chinese civilization is much more successful than the West in acquiring natural knowledge and applying it to human practice. "the author believes that this is inextricably related to the main features embodied in the Chinese logical tradition. Under the influence of "push class", which is the dominant reasoning type of Chinese logic tradition. By solving the "difficult problem" from the angle of Chinese logic tradition, we can get the following two revelations: first, Logic factor is one of the factors that bring up the "difficult problem". China has not formed a complete formal logic system and inductive logic, which is one of the reasons why modern science did not take place in China. Thus, logic is one of the cornerstones of the development of civilization. The traditional "push" thought of Chinese logic has played an important role in the development of technological science, which has influenced the trend of Chinese ancient science and technology. We cannot blindly deny the Chinese logic tradition. It is necessary to understand and recognize the particularity of Chinese logic tradition and correctly understand the complementarities of Chinese and western logic traditions.
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