理论哲学 的翻译结果
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It is often from the angle of theoretical philosophy that the relationship between educational theory and educational practice is studied. But this approach not only cannot bring about the unity of educational theory and educational practice, but also causes the split of such a unity.
现实中人们探讨教育理论和实践的关系多是从理论哲学的角度切入的 ,但这种角度不仅不会统一教育理论与实践 ,反而导致了教育理论和实践的分裂。
In reality, people usually study the relationship between educational theory and practice from the perspective of theoretical philosophy, but it not only will not bring about the unity of educational theory and practice, but also causes the split of the relation whose reason is the arrogation of practical philosophy by science.
现实中人们探讨教育理论和实践的关系多是从理论哲学的角度切入的,但这种角度不仅不会统一教育理论与实践,反而导致了教育理论和实践的分裂。 教育理论和实践之所以分裂,是由于近代以来科学对实践哲学的僭越。
In The System of Prior-Idealism,Schelling' whole philosophy finds expression in the development of consciousness,covering the whole process from primitive perceptual knowledge to rational knowledge,from theoretical philosophy to practical philosophy and from natural teleology to the philosophy of art before realizing the absolute identity of nature and spirit.
谢林的《先验唯心论体系》把全部哲学表述为意识的发展 ,涵盖了从原始自我直观到理智直观、从理论哲学到实践哲学、从自然合目的论到艺术哲学发展的全过程 ,最后到达自然和精神的绝对同一性。
The Problem of Psychologism and the Idea of the Theoretical Philosophy: The Basic Thoughts in the First Volume of Logical Investigations
The original Marxist philosophy is modern practical philosophy that surpasses subjective philosophy which is the highest development of theoretical philosophy if philosophical way is divided into theoretical philosophical way and practical philosophical way.
如果我们把哲学的理路划分为理论哲学理路和实践哲学理路 ,那么 ,原本的马克思哲学便是一种对于作为理论哲学之最高发展的主体性哲学之超越的现代实践哲学。
The Problem of Psychologism and the Idea of the Theoretical Philosophy: The Basic Thoughts in the First Volume of Logical Investigations
The paper reviews, from the viewpoint of the transformation of the two ways of thinking, i.e,the theoretical philosophy and the practical philosophy, the process of the sinicization of Marxistphilosophy in the early part of the 20th century and summarizes it as three theoretical stages wherethe transformation of the two paradigms of thinking, i.e, the theoretical philosophy and thepractical philosophy, occurs. And the paper testifies that it is the change of the thinking way thatresults the theoretical transformation of Marxist philosophy in China.
本文从实践哲学与理论哲学两种思维方式转换的角度检视了 20 世纪上半叶马克思主义哲学中国化的历程,将其概括为经历了三个理论阶段,发生了理论哲学和实践哲学两次思维范式的转换,论证了马克思主义哲学在中国发生理论嬗变的最根本原因是由于哲学思维方式的变化所致。
The universality conciliates empiricism esthetics and the rationalism esthetics, connects the theoretical philosophy and the practical philosophy, solves the contradiction between nature and human. It was the golden bridge connects this shore world and other shore world , was the firm cornerstone complete the Kant anthropology system.
Translation Study:From Praxis Philosophy to Rational Philosophy
The economical reductionistic interpretation, rooted in interpretation of Marxian philosophy from philosophical position of Marian social theory, obstructs understanding of globalization of economy.
对马克思社会理论的经济还原论解释妨碍着人们对于经济全球化的理解 ,而这种解释又根源于人们从理论哲学立场对于马克思哲学的解释。
In the past, because of the restriction of thephilosophic mode, the theory was separated from the reality, of the existence while from the view of practical philosophy, The ways of human being's existence are those of individual ,which includes the historical process of creating, communicating, spiritual life and particular situation.
以往由于受理论哲学范式的局限 ,人的生存方式理论总是与现实人的生存状况相脱离。 在实践哲学范式中 ,人的生存方式就是现实个人的生存方式 ,它是人的生成方式和存在方式的有机统一 ,是由现实个人的生产实践、交往活动、精神生活及其具体生存境遇等构成的历史过程
But their philosophy was in essential idealism.
A rational consideration of translation focuses on the ontological study,the subjective study,and the existential study,of translation.
The Marxist Idea of Historical Development and the Philosophical Basis of Deng's Theory
theoretical philosophy
It correctly identifies as the crucial problem the present disconnectedness of medical ethics from theoretical philosophy as well as the practice of medicine.
Solov'?v: Justification of the Good and Theoretical Philosophy.
Theoretical Philosophy is the initial -- unfinished -- sketch of the dynamism of mind seeking truth as a good.
I sketch several parallels and analogies between the doctrine of moral experience set out in Justification and the account of the intellect's dynamism based on immediate certitude set out in Theoretical Philosophy.
I conclude by suggesting that Solov'?v's position on these questions does not easily cohere with the 'impersonalism' he appears to defend in Theoretical Philosophy.
rational philosophy
Walton argued that most neuroses are the product of irrational thinking, and that the only way to eliminate emotional distress is to adopt a rational philosophy of life.
From rational philosophy, there is reason for training--and that is, to provide competency skill and knowledge to the person trained.
This is clear from what he says in the Preliminary Discourse on Philosophy in General in the Rational Philosophy.
Unfortunately, the method outlined above in its current state has to pay for its extremely rational philosophy through its complexity.
In this paper, Skinner's theory of operant behavior is analyzed in someaspects: its philosophical view point concerned; the unique concepts advanced;the basic versions about the two contingencies, private events, and verbalbehavior. Its applications to various realms are appreciated. Its merits towardthe theories of psychology are also briefly discussed.
Laozi clarified such a fundamental concept: The motion rule of thing is continuously to change into it's opposite. The mathematiclzed concept is made a deduction and analysis may find out: The plan of mathematics for Classical physics and quantum physics is merely a different order unfolded by the model, but nothing else.
老子阐明了这样一个基本概念:事物运动规律是不断地走向反面。把这一概念数学化,加以演绎、分析,可以发现:经典物理和量子物理的数学方案,只不过是这一模型展开的不同层次而已。古典东方哲学思想中蕴藏着适应现代物理学理论的哲学构架——这是美国物理学家F·卡普拉在最近出版的《物理学之道》一书中的结论。近年来,国际物理学界中流行着一股东方哲学热,一些著名的科学家纷纷研究中国和印度的古代哲学思想。越来越多的科学家事实证明:世界是一个统一的整体。繁复纷杂,变化万千的各种运动有着许多共同的属性和规律,而哲学正是这些共同的属性和规律的总结。哲学与物理学相互启发,相互推动,既促进了物理学的发展,也促进了哲学的深化。在人类思想史上,中国的古代哲学家有着崇高的地位。1984年出版的一家权威的美国年鉴,列出了世界历史上十大思想家,中国的孔子名列第一。(其次是:柏拉图、亚里士多德、阿奎那、哥白尼、培根、牛顿、达尔文、伏尔泰、康德)。据对国际上1984年出版的19种主要的科学——哲学杂志的统计,研究老子,孔子,庄子的哲学观点的论文占了很大比重。科学家们运用哲学先贤的观点,结合现代科学实践,融会贯通,推陈出新,探索着现代科学的真谛。有些论文已采用现代数学方法,建立数学模型,来分析考察哲学对科学实践的预见和吻合程度。美国著名物理学家奥本海默认为:我们今天在物理上的发现,只是古代智慧的一个例证,是古代智慧的一种精细化的产物。今天,古典东方哲学仍象一颗明星在人类思想的苍穹中闪烁。现代科学不断揭示出丰富的实践内容,由于古典哲学的深刻性,它可以充当这些内容的轴心。正如茫茫苍穹中的北斗星一样,它不动,而拱围它的众星却在动,从而演示出一幅幅丰富多彩的美景。历史上,随着物理学从宏观向微观发展,发展成为经典物理和量子物理二部分。经典物理中,量的特点是连续;量子力学中,量的特点是不连续。哲学是自然科学的总结和概括,我们对老子的一个哲学命题进行研究后发现:根据这一命题建立的数学模型,有能力提示经典力学和量子力学这二部分的数学方案(量的特征)。老子阐明了这样一个基本概念:事物运动规律是不断地走向反面。(‘原始要终,终而复始’,‘生生不生,化化不化,常生常化无穷尽。’) 把这概念数学化,加以演绎,分析,可以发现:经典物理和量子物理的数学方案,只不过是这一模型展开的不同层次而巳。这证明:经典物理与量子物理是沿着同一个哲学构架而编织起来的。正如《老子》篇所预见的:“万物万形,其归一也”。在物理中可以证明这一见解的具体课题很多,下面我们试举其中之一——对热容的计算分析来说明这一问题。我们从最基本的方面——对实验事实的解释说起。
his essay expounds the features of the philosophical methodology of the theory to build Chinese characteristic socialism proposed by Deng XiaoPing.The essay includes three parts.The first part says that dialectical materialism is the starting point of the charac-teristic theory;The second that historical materialism is the essential point of the char-acteristic theory;the third that materialist dialectis runs through the characteristic theo-ry from beginning to end.