[Abstract]:Name theory is an important part of linguistic philosophy, which to some extent affirms the role of modern logic in linguistic philosophy. From Frege's theory of proper name, Russell's theory of description to Kripke's theory of historical causality, it is based on modern logic. Throughout the history of western philosophy, we can see that the philosophy of western philosophers is using the technology of logic. The shift from epistemology to linguistics reflects the shift of philosophical studies from focusing on the objective world to focusing on "the role of human cognition itself in the world", which shows that people pay more attention to the study of their own subjectivity. Therefore, people's understanding of the world depends on language, and philosophical studies have found that language plays an important role in the process of paying close attention to the subjective cognition of human beings. Why do people have so many different understandings? just because the language problem is the correspondence between language and the objective world, that is to say, when different languages refer to objective things, language will have problems in expressing the objective world. It is precisely the tool that we use that prevents us from understanding and transforming the world-language problems, and if we can figure out the language problems, then understanding the world and transforming the world will become less complicated. So these philosophers began to focus on language. But analyzing languages requires tools, and logic is a suitable tool. In other words, we use logic as a tool to analyze language clearly, and then our understanding of the world, the transformation of the world, is natural. In this way, our philosophical research will be successful. In this sense, logic is the essence of philosophy, because philosophical research cannot be carried out by circumventing this tool. If you want to clarify the above such a context, you must choose an angle. This paper talks about the fusion of logic and philosophy from the angle of the evolution of name. Name is not only the starting point of language, but also the key point of language and the world. Based on the detailed introduction of the theories of the three heavyweight philosophers who are representative in the history of philosophy, the author points out the inspiration of the former to the latter and the critical inheritance of the former by the latter. From the angle of "name evolution", we can see the fusion of logic and philosophy, and the mutual promotion between them.
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