[Abstract]:At the end of Ming Dynasty, Western missionaries came to China. They spread Christianity with the aim of "academic missionary" and translated a large number of western books, including Western logic. A large part of the reason why this introduction was accepted by some people is that Yangming's study of mind and practice provide space for the spread of western learning to exist and develop. In order to cater to the Chinese intellectuals, the missionaries combined Christian doctrine and Chinese traditional Confucianism in their logical works, and interpreted the Confucian philosophy and basic ideas with the western knowledge system. Or use some of the terms of Confucian classics to explain the terms of western philosophy. The missionaries and their Chinese co-translators have made a useful attempt to exchange Chinese and Western cultures, and some of the western knowledge content has catered to the needs of some intellectuals in China to advocate empirical and practical use. However, we should also see that the impact of the collision between Chinese and Western cultures still has some limitations, and whether the mutual interpretation of Chinese and Western academic terms is appropriate or not, equivalence is also open to question.
【作者单位】: 南开大学学报编辑部;华北水利水电大学学报编辑部;
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