[Abstract]:Because Ming originated in ancient India, with the spread of Buddhism, it was gradually introduced from the Indian subcontinent into the mainland of China and Tibetan areas from the sixth to eleventh centuries AD, forming a unique tradition of Chinese transmission from Ming Dynasty to Tibetan transmission theory, which made China the second hometown of Yin Ming Dynasty. The researchers of Han Zhuan Ming inherited and developed the previous form of Guinming reasoning, the law of debate and the law of law in Chenna, India. However, Tibetan transmission theory, a huge theoretical system, has not been excavated and studied due to historical and other reasons. Through the comparative analysis of the different historical development of Han Dynasty and Tibetan Ming Dynasty, it is very necessary to explore the development of Yinming Studies at present. Han and Tibetan scholars and monks should work together to plan the future of China's development in Ming Dynasty.
【作者单位】: 西南民族大学藏学学院;
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