本文选题:“撤县设区” 切入点:行政区划 出处:《河北大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the sustained economic development of our country, the level of urbanization has been increasing and the demand of the development space in the central urban area has been increasing. The adjustment of administrative divisions, represented by "setting up districts in the county of withdrawal", is becoming more and more frequent. On the one hand, it has played a positive role in promoting the development of central cities and regional economies, improving the level of urbanization and the ability of urban governance. On the other hand, due to the rule of law and the lack of standardization, it is easy to cause problems such as false urbanization, system friction, local governments blindly following the trend, and increasing difficulty of governance. Therefore, it is very necessary to study the rule of law of the "withdrawal of counties and districts". It is an important guarantee to maintain the original intention of "setting up district by withdrawing county," and to ensure the implementation of its established goal. The rule of law by law is the inevitable requirement of ruling the country by law, and it is also the essential need of administration by law in our country. But now our legal system is not perfect, the supporting laws and regulations are seriously lacking, and the existing laws and regulations have not been strictly enforced. The state must promote the healthy development of urbanization through comprehensive legal regulation. The country needs to make corresponding measures, for example, to formulate a master plan and to improve the relevant legal system. Innovating the administrative management system of the new jurisdiction, etc. In view of the increasingly serious problems such as the disorder of "withdrawing counties and establishing districts", our country needs to establish and improve the system of supervision and accountability, strengthen the supervision of administrative power, and once there is an administrative illegal act, At the same time, we should establish and perfect the system of public participation to protect citizens' right to know and participate, which is not only the request of legality, but also the legal responsibility of the relevant subjects. It is also a requirement of constitutionality. The power of the state comes from the citizens, and the purpose of exercising the state power is to safeguard and realize the basic legal rights and interests of the citizens. Therefore, the public participation should be really guaranteed. So that citizens can effectively supervise and restrict the exercise of administrative power. Starting with the problems existing in the "withdrawal of counties and districts", the causes of the problems are analyzed, and the corresponding improvement measures are put forward. In order to make up for the deficiency in standardization, procedure and institutionalization, we try our best to run on the track of ruling by law.
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