本文选题:中外政府 切入点:绩效审计 出处:《长沙理工大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:This paper expounds the relevant theories of government performance audit, introduces the evaluation standard system of Chinese, British, American and Canadian government performance audit, and at the same time, introduces the standard system of government performance audit in China, the United Kingdom, the United States and Canada. This paper expounds the characteristics of evaluation standards of government service departments in various countries through concrete cases, which provides a basis for analyzing the differences between Chinese and foreign countries' evaluation standards. On this basis, taking the United States as an example, This paper makes an empirical analysis on the influencing factors of the differences in the evaluation standards of Chinese and American government performance audit. Through the case study, the evaluation of Chinese government performance audit still pays attention to the legality and compliance of the use of funds. The evaluation standard is mainly financial data, other quantitative or qualitative data is supplemented by performance audit evaluation standard system, and the definition of performance audit evaluation standard in Chinese laws and regulations is mainly conceptual description. The evaluation system is not perfect. The British government performance audit evaluation standards come from a wide range of sources, standards are set in a variety of settings, most of them refer to the standards of various industries, emphasizing the efficiency and effectiveness of government expenditure, and whether the government is responsible for its work. The efficiency, effectiveness, and economy of the use of funds for public expenditure projects in Parliament by the British government are mainly examined in terms of whether the government is responsible for its work and whether it performs the monitoring function of the government. The performance of the US government performance audit is mainly evaluated from four aspects: the performance of the organization, the public, the internal staff and the internal management. At the same time, American auditing standards are diverse and advanced, and "public satisfaction" and "IT tools" are introduced as performance evaluation standards. Canadian evaluation standards come from various laws and policies, and qualitative indicators are often used to evaluate the performance of government services. It is found that the audit system, the scale of government expenditure and the level of culture and education have influence on the selection of evaluation standards for the performance audit of governments in various countries, because of the different political systems at home and abroad. It leads to the differences in the selection of performance auditing standards between China and foreign countries. The auditing system, the level of economic development and the democratic consciousness restrict the development of Chinese government performance audit evaluation standards, resulting in the differences between our country and foreign countries. We should cultivate and strengthen citizen consciousness and government responsibility consciousness, strengthen the legal system construction of government performance audit, vigorously develop socialist market economy, change audit idea and perfect audit system.
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